Extra Strength Tylenol for Fibroid Pain Made Skin Condition Worse

Posted By April (Louisiana ) on 07/18/2016

hey I'm a 29 African American female for as long as I can remember I had a few tiny white spots on my body. Never thought to much of it I noticed those spots on everyone. But something happened to me last year that made me look at things differently. I have had fibroids for some time now and instead of going to the dr..I will buy extra strength tylenol to deal with the pain.

Around the summer of 2015 I noticed that the spots though tiny were becoming more frequent.. now pause that... my fibroids were irritating me so everyday 1 would pop between 8 -12 pills a day in September I noticed that the spots where becoming more frequent as well as irregular shaped and bigger..I researched and IGH came up whatever they were on my legs so it didn't bother me...six months later they appeared in my face and arms😨😨😢😢 I went to the dermatologist office only to pay them to take a biopsy and they tell me it's nothing that could be done and to confirm that it is in fact IGH... is this curable how much of my diet affects this problem and if medicines can cause this I guarantee u that me mixing drugstore medicines to stop my fibroid pain and now there everywhere except my back what can I do?


Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/19/2016

Dear April,

Tylenol tends to affect the liver. And skin problems usually mean a liver problem.

You can take milk thistle, in capsules, to help the liver. Eating beets is also great for the liver (and I think to help get rid of fibroids.)

Castor oil packs over your liver and over your lower abdomen may also help the fibroids and the skin issue (by helping the liver to heal and detoxify.) Or you could use charcoal poultices over both. Both are a bit of trouble and messy, but I have had great success with both remedies for a variety of health issues.

Castor oil packs cannot be used during your period.

You will also want to read remedies for fibroids to try and get rid of them and not have to take pain medication anymore.

~Mama to Many~

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