I think i have pericarditis

Posted By Annie (Lake City, Florida) on 03/18/2010

Thank You all for being a beacon of hope so many times with so many remedies. Earthclinic is always the first source we go to! I think I may have pericarditis-- but I don't see it listed in ailments. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

Replied by Annie (Lake City, Florida) on 03/23/2010

Thank You Earthclinic for adding this as a topic...I thought I should update. It was not perecarditis - I'm thankful to say. I ended up calling 911 because of a constant chest pain that I was having added to a sharp rise in blood pressure and heart rate ( caused by too much time on the internet researching the cause- which got me scared!:) and when they got there they assured me that I would be in extreme pain ( which I wasn't) if that was the case. Still have the pain- but paramedics say I'm fine- no other symptoms... will keep searching. Thank You!

Replied by James9824 (Sharon, Ct) on 03/06/2012

Pericarditis: Try taking Hawthorn tablets, tincture and tea.

Replied by Normajean (Round Mountain, Nevada) on 03/10/2012

Hi Annie, I realize this post is light years away from you original post but in case any one else is searching...

I too was having terrible chest pains. Sure I was having a heart attack. Results? No heart attack. Drs said they believed it to be Costochondritis. Inflammation in the chest due possibly from a respiratory infection or trauma to the chest. I had just been hammered a week or two before with the worst case of flu in my life. The coughing was like being hit by a car. So that would have been to me a trauma to the chest. I have since had those pains again though not as bad and strange flutterings in my heart area that seem to affect me clear to my throat, which is why I am searching on this site tonight. All my tests and blood work show that I am in perfect shape, doctor said to get out of his office and stay away from doctors cause I was not one who needed them. Yet I still have these pains and the strange fluttering and I am so very tired all of the time. I don't feel well regardless of what the doctors say. I hope you have found your answers and better health as well.

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