I have stage 2 bladder cancer

Posted By Drew Spangler (Vista, California) on 01/11/2015

I have bladder cancer stage 2. Any suggestions?

Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 01/12/2015

HI U DREW, , , , , , , , , , research ozonated water and baking soda. Cancer cannot live in oxygen nor an alkaline environment. S+2=8.



Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/13/2015

ORH, what does S+2=8 stand for? Just curious.

Replied by Nancy (San Fernando, Ca) on 01/13/2015

Does anyone know if its ok to do the Hydrogen peroxide food grade 35% Therapy if some one has had a surgical mesh ( for hernia) and rhinoplasty (has metal in nose area)?

Replied by Anonymous (San Fernando, Ca) on 01/13/2015

Hi Drew. I have also heard of drinking alkaline water properties that help against cancer. Look it up! You will be pleasantly surprised :).

Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn.) on 01/13/2015

HI U Mmsg, , , , , little darling , you don't really want to know. It's a crude Redneck term that means "it's a given", like God made little green apples. Go on to the next subject , etc., etc.

Anyways, because we are bosom site buddies , substitute Stuff for S, but that's not the real Redneck word....... Comprende'



Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/14/2015

Ok, ORH, I'll ignore it !

Replied by R. E. (Ca) on 07/27/2015

Drew Spangler (Vista, California) passed away on 07/27/2015

Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 07/28/2015

HI U R. E. , , , , , , , sorry to learn of you friend's demise. I have read that drinking ozonated water will help in bladder cancer.

When my wife gets a bladder infection then the ozonated water clears that up PDQ.

We have a high dollar medical 0zone generator. You do not need this for water. I suggest folks look into this.



Replied by Namaw (Alabama) on 07/28/2015

So sorry for the loss. Family is in my prayers.

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