I have shortness of breath iron deficiency

Posted By Krisn (Portland, Oregon) on 10/13/2012

Hi Ted, I have shortness of breath, dizziness felt foggy. and general weakness The doctor checked me several times for iron deficiency and told me I was not anemic I was sent to see if it was asthma and that was negative. Ten mths later Ferritin level check revealed low level of 14. But the doctor never mentioned it was the reason for my symptoms. The only other vitamin that was low was potassium. Anyhow any idea on how to get ferritin levels to a higher level. I'm a ova- vegetarian.

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/13/2012

Hi Krisn, You can take chlorophyll and that will raise your ferritin levels. You can get liquid chlorophyll at the health food store. It is very effective because it is the "blood" of the plants and when we take it in, our bodies convert it to red blood cells for us. I was told this years ago when I was pregnant and had a very low iron count in which my midwife said she would not deliver me at home if I did not get that up quickly. At the time I was working with a biochemist and told him my predicament. He gave me this as a solution and the next visit, my midwife was astounded at how my numbers had changed. She asked me what I did to make that happen. Since then, I have given this solution to many friends. Hope this helps. Lisa

Replied by D M (Orlando, Fl) on 10/14/2012

For iron deficiency: whenever you eat an iron-rich food (i.e. , eggs, dark greens, legumes, dried raisins/apricots, black strap molasses) always consume a Vitamin C rich food (i.e. , citrus or other fruits, orange juice, red bell peppers, ascorbic acid/Vit. C tablets, even broccoli) in the same meal. Intake of iron is greatly enhanced when Vitamin C is taken at the same meal. Eat plenty of dark greens, beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and fruits while limiting intake of refined foods. Add iron-rich liquid nutrition (i.e. , green juices and nutritional drinks -- easily absorbed); take with Vitamin C. If your exercise regimen is very strenuous, you may wish to cut back (athletes sometimes test as being anemic--however this does not apply to the usual sedentary person). Best wishes! :)

Replied by Doug (Luperon, Puerto Plata Domnican Republic) on 12/01/2012

The answer for anemia is so simple it is laughable. In the old days they used iron pots to cook in and they had no anemia. Now we use aluminium and the problem starts. All you need to do is get a peace of iron and put it in the pot when you do your cooking. Put some iron nails in your juice for an hour before you drink it. Our family uses iron cook ware and since we started the anemia went away.

Replied by A (Nha Trang, Vietnam) on 12/04/2012

"The answer for anemia is so simple it is laughable." But... May I say, without being rude, that to put and cook nails in the soup is, at the very least... Disgusting!

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