I have many fatty tumors

Posted By Lori (Ny, Usa) on 08/11/2010

Hi, I have many fatty tumors, about 10 on each thigh, and a few on my stomach. They are approximately 1 inch in diameter. I had two removed many years ago and they were benign. I was told to leave them alone. Is there any remedy for these lumps/fatty tumors?

Replied by Jules (Denver, Co) on 01/18/2011

Bloodroot could be the answer for lipomas. It's been used by vets for sarcoid tumors in horses and I personally know many people who have used it with success, myself being one of them. Look up Xxterra online and read about it. I worked for the makers of that product and it is the highest concentration, most pure formula available. Bloodroot causes the body's immune system to recognize and reject abnormal cells. I've seen it work on lipomas, sarcoids, skin growths, moles, warts, etc.

Replied by Vialisa (Asheville, Nc) on 05/16/2011

I'm looking for cures for Lipoma... I've used bloodroot salve several times.. One lipoma I have it isn't budging.. Others it has worked well on... Also anyone have info on natural cures for minere's disease.

Replied by Rddriggers (Denison, Us) on 07/13/2011

I had a Lipo Tumor on back of my neck that got as big as a tennis ball after a car wreck seven years ago. I tried everything under the sun. Castor Oil, heat, cold, all kinds of vitamins peroxide, etc. You get the idea. I'm apposed to any surgery unless absolutely necessary.

After it got about 3.5" in diameter, I had to have surgicaly removed, I am a male and I wore my hair long to hide it for awhile. You could eventually see it coming through when the wind would blow.

I tried it all, and nothing worked for nearly eight years. To save you alot of time, you might as well bite the bullet. I'm very happy that the ugly thing is gone and it cost $1500.00 in Texas at a Dermotologist Surgeon Hospital on an Out Patient basis. I fought very hard to not have it done that way, but I'm glad now.

I really wish I had better news or a better answer.

Good Luck


Replied by Neil (Philippines) on 12/16/2013

I will try this apple cider vinegar for my lipoma. I had some of them removed via surgical operation, they are fatty tissues. However, they came back right from the same spot and has been increasing in numbers (arms, legs, back), it's so annoying. I hope apple cider vinegar will work for me. Thank you for sharing this information.

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