I have fissure which needs to get surgery

Posted By Nayaz (Bangalore) on 08/08/2014

Hi This is nayaz from bangalore The GP doc has recently told me that I have fissure which needs to get surgery; pls suggest me can I go ahead or some other home treatment can be done, i am already using as per my family doc the laxative cream, with plenty of fluids and strict diet along with the sitz bath which has helped me to reduce the pain but for till what time I need to follow this and what is the permanent solution.

And pls I have a one month time where in after that i am going to pilgrimage for the gulf country.


Replied by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 08/08/2014

It sounds like you're doing all of the right things; keeping stool soft, sitz baths, etc.

The only addition I would make is to add about a cup of Witch Hazel to your sitz baths. It is both soothing and healing.

Also, the more sitz baths, the better. When I increased both the frequency and the soaking time (20+ minutes each), adding additional warm water during those 20 minute soaks, I found that it expedited my healing.


Replied by Ed2010 (Canada) on 08/08/2014


Don't do surgery. Surgery can reduce the anus strength and it ability to hold and release the rectal wall.

After cleaning, apply coconut Oil. Doctor would prescribe cream that will reduce the pressure of anus so your anus muscles are relaxed. This cream is good only for some time.Don't use Western Toilet, Use Indian Toilet. Indian Toilet aligns your body for a natural bowel movement with reduced pressure.

Now for the Fissure, buy noni juice and drink 20 - 30ml in night after dinner. Noni juice softens the stool, regularizes the bowel movement and strengthens your anal and rectal muscles.

I googled, looks like you can get Noni Juice in Bangalore. Many people are selling in bangalore with home delivery. Good for you.

Caution: Don't take any kind of Laxative tablets like Dulcolax or similar kind. Laxative tablets increases the anal pressure and thereby tearing the anus when going for a bowel movement.

Good Health


Replied by Nm (Houston, Tx) on 08/08/2014

Fresh aloe vera applied topically cured this for a friend of mine, almost immediately.

Replied by Kt (Usa) on 08/08/2014

See if your pharmacy carries any Vitamin A & D ointment. After your Witch Hazel treatment this would also be be healing and soothing. If you apply before you go to bed, I'll bet any pain would be gone in the morning. It is truly great stuff!! I have also seen it in grocery stores. I hope you can find some.

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