I have condition of burning mouth

Posted By Marti (Bayamon, Puerto Rico, Usa) on 10/06/2011

Burning Mouth???? I'm not even sure if I have burning mouth condition, but I can use some help and advice. My inner lips feel dry and like if they where peeling, my tounge has small bumps that are very sesitive to the touch. I just finish taking chemotherapy, BUT, I had this problem prior been diagnosted with cancer. My tounge is peeling and this is very painful. I have asked several doctors and they all want to blame it on the chemo but they won't listen that this was happening prior to the chemo, I was prescribed diferent mouthwashes some of them with a mild anesthetic, this did not help at all. I'm a 52yr old woman and had a hysterectomy over 15 yrs ago, so I don't think is hormonal, Please advise with posible treatments either medical or home remedies. I have follow remedies for dry mouth and this have not help.

Replied by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 10/07/2011

Hi Marti - I had a similar problem many years ago and used Kaopectate as a mouth rinse. It worked great. You'll find that it soothes and helps heal.

Just take a mouthful and swish it gently for about ten seconds. Don't rinse afterwards. Repeat every few hours. Good luck. I hope you're feeling better real soon.


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