I have anemia and joint pain

Posted By Lisa (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 09/17/2012

Hi, I recently turned and have low blood levels, needed a blood transfusion in 2010. My iron levels are going down again, how do I naturally increase my levels. Also, I need to know what's going on in my body, sometimes I have so much pain in my joints, it starts from my head and then my back, chest and legs. I am so frustrated wondering if that is what I have to look forward to in my older years. When I get the joint pains, I have blood in my urine. Please send me some home remedies. Thanks -

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/17/2012

Hi Lisa, You could take liquid chlorophyll. I have used this successfully to rid anemia long ago. Since then, I have recommended this to several people- usually women, who have also used it successfully. It works rather quickly. Try it! Hope this helps. Lisa

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 09/18/2012

Lisa from Florida, in addition to the chlorophyll that Lisa of Ca. suggested Ted's "Borax" remedy seems indicated for the joint pain, but do read up on it and other solution in the REMEDIES - AILMENTS - SUPPLEMENTS sections at the top of page; lots of info here.

Replied by Heather (Leicester) on 09/18/2012

If I were you I would get the blood in urine checked out by a doctor- could be several things. Meanwhile Epsom Salt bath helps joint pain and BLack strap molasses helps both joint pain and anemia gradually. Try ACV and bicarb remedy too.

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