I am 65 and need help with atrial fib

Posted By Mila (Welland, Ontario) on 11/01/2011

I am 65 years young and almost healthy if I wouldn't have irregular heart beat (AF). It started a year ago and my cardiologist put me on Multaq. I had those episodes just 1x a month, they always start at night and last just for a few hours. I bought a heart monitor to check my blood preasure and it tels me as well if my heart beat is irregular. I found that it doesn't matter if I rest or do regular work around the house, it always goes away after maybe 8 hours. Just after 6 months I started to have those episodes every 2 weeks. So, my cardiologist put me on Amiodarone, but after taking just 5 pills (2 1/2 days) I was getting itching rash and swelling on my whole body. I had to go to emergency, where they gave me to use Prednisone for 7 days and a strong antihistamine. For sure I had to stop taking that Amiodarone. My cardiologist put me back on Multaq, but now, just a week of using it again, I am getting those episodes of irregular beating every second day. I've learned that there is actually a Multag Alert issued by FDA, where they are informing about serious liver and lung risks, patients were experiencing increased cardiovascular events and hospitalizations. They are reported some liver failure requiring transplantation and even death... I don't know what to do. In the past my cardiologist was mentioning "radiofrequency ablation", which I learned suppose to be for people with chronic AF, but is this my case?

Replied by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 11/01/2011

It's either potassium or magnesium, you need more of these water solubles as you get older. Bannana is a quick fix, but a supplement might be more productive for the long term. Worrying about it makes it worse.

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/01/2011

Mila I agree with Gavin, research magnesium deficiency and Atrial Fibrillation. Get some magnesium chloride and add it to your bathwater.

Replied by Geneva (Paragould, Ar) on 11/01/2011

I find that magnesuim helps. I take cayenne tea and it helps me. One fourth teaspoon cayenne powder and 4 ounces warm water mix well and drank. I hope this helps you and you feel better soon. God Bless.

Replied by Noel (Lighthouse Beach, Australia) on 12/22/2011

Mila, I suffer from permanent A/F and I am able to live with it. At your age I would strongly recommend ablation. Speak to your cardiologist. The procedure is about 80% successful in preventing a reoccurrence.

Replied by Pam (Venice, Florida, Usa) on 09/27/2012

Minerals- The first time I experienced my heart fluttering I had consumed a large amount of coffee to keep me alert during a long car trip. I also used an over the counter energy drink. About 15 hours later, my heart was fluttering. I was at my sister's house and decided to see what type of supplements she had and found a bottle of Calcium (4 types) combined for 1000mg, Magnesium (3 types) for 500 mg, Zinc (1 type) for 25 mg and Glutanic Acid HCL for 100 mg. The name of this well known company that makes this Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc supplement reminds me of the sun. I took 2 capsules.

My symptom disappeared within about 20 minutes.

I believe this condition is caused by a mineral deficiency since the same symptom was alleviated by this supplement on 2 occasions over the past 2 years.


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