Hydrogen Peroxide Contraindicated With Iron Supplement for COPD?

Posted By Songbird (Ca) on 04/19/2023

Hello, I had the privilege of helping a friend begin a tx of H2O2 for COPD. He is on oxygen and takes an Iron supplement. He got to 20 drops/3x day of H2O2 but read a blip stating that the two are not compatible. I verified he was using purified or distilled water to take H2O2 and dosing 1hr prior or 3hrs after a meal and supplement to which he confirmed.

With ample time for remedy to absorb, would there still be an interaction with supplements or medications?
I have not been able to find much of anything on the concern.

would be grateful for knowledge so I can encourage him to start again! ~~ or not, of course.
thank you🎶


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