Husband has too much iron in blood

Posted By Dana (Larose, LA) on 08/14/2014

My husband has high iron in his blood. 16 is the number.. I don't understand but said it's almost too high. How do you reduce it? I can't find anything online except drink coffee which he already does drink several cups a day. Thanks for any help.

Replied by Ladymars (FL, US) on 08/14/2014

Hi, your husband's problem may be hemochromatosis (although there are other possibilities). My brother-in-law had it for many years before he was diagnosed. By then, he had heart and other medical issues. The excess iron causes a great many problems, see the link below. To the best of my knowledge, the only treatment is to have blood withdrawn regularly (thinning the blood and reducing the iron level). Avoid high iron foods, of course. It is hereditary, so the family should be tested. The doctors say that most people don't develop it until after age 50, but my brother-in-law was much younger (in his late 30s) when he was diagnosed. Eventually, he needed to have blood taken about every 3 weeks, as I recall. He would feel better afterward. He saw many doctors over the years until one finally recognized the source of all of his problems. This is not a condition to ignore. Good luck to you!


Replied by Rsw (Uniontown, OH) on 08/14/2014


The easiest way to reduce the amount of iron in your blood is to donate some at a blood bank. If there is a reason why your husband's blood would not be acceptable, get his doctor to write out an order for blood donation. I did this (previous severe Hep A) and it cost me $20 to have them remove some blood at a blood donation center at a local hospital. Best wishes. High iron can lead to sticky blood or organ damage, so it's a pretty easy fix.


Replied by Terry (West Chester, PA) on 08/14/2014

Please do a search for IP-6. Inositol hexaphosphate.

It is an iron chelator.

I am not sure what 16 refers to, but if it is hemoglobins, that is in range for and adult male, up to 18 is in range.


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