How to Lighten Skin Naturally and Preferably From Internally?

Posted By Nizam (Mumbai, India) on 06/14/2011

Dear Ted

I am really keen to know how to lighten the skin color from within? Which chemicals, vitamins and minerals lighten the skin when taken internally? Also any external applications help to lighten the skin color?

In countries where light skin colour is considered as beautiful some woman are going to extremes using corticosteroids like mixing Betnovete cream with 2% Hydroquioine which is really working like magic but with many health hazards.

So I would like to enlighten them with the natural and safe methods if there any? So can you please give the reply at your earliest convenience Ted. Thanks in advance.


Replied by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/20/2011

Nizam, a lot of different features as considered beautiful but that shouldn't mean that we have to chase after them? Here we all try to go in the sun in the summer as a tanned skin is considered a healthy look. So, there you go, somewhere a light skin is the way to go, somewhere else a dark skin is more appealing. You can't please them all so why try? They often say that men prefer the blonds but.... Just look around you, at all the dark haired beauties? They are not all going to dye their hair blond, are they? Why are not accept yourself as you are and make the most of your most attractive features instead of trying to change something like your skin color? I always feel sad when I come across women here trying to change their skin color! Be happy if you have a healthy skin..... I haven't and I would love to have one, no matter the skin tone!

Replied by P M (Tyrone, Pa) on 11/06/2011

I would recommend learning how to lighten your skin using natural methods. There are guides and information all over the internet.

Using chemicals is being exposed as more and more dangerous, and in fact some chemicals used in skin bleaching creams are being banned in countries throughout the world.

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Replied by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 11/09/2011

I don't know if this will work for everyone's skin but I have recently tried turmeric mask's to lighten my freckles and my melasma (pregnancy skin darkening). I love what it has done for both my freckles and the melasma. My face looks so radient and clear. It can be a little bit of a pain to get rid of the yellow tint to your skin from the turmeric though. I usually just take about a teaspoon in my hand and add enough water to make a paste. Then I rub it on my face until it covers everything. I leave it for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then I rinse it off in the shower and apply a vit C scrub to my face. I usually rub it in for a minute or two. Then I apply some apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball. I let that sit on my face until it dries. I rinse my face one more time. I try to do this at least every other day.

I saw results the first use. I have done it about 5 times now and it gets better each time. I am very pleased with the results. I have very fair skin to start though and even my freckles are not too dark they are just a light tan. I am so happy I read about turmeric mask's on EC. The apple cidar works wonders for wrinkles and acne. It's like retonol A but better cause it's all natural.


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