Need Help Treating Boil/Abscess Inside Nose

Posted By Poiuytrewq (Bristol, UK) on 09/06/2021

Hey everyone,

I appear to have a boil/abscess in my nose. It does not hurt at all but my nostril is swollen and the lump is quite hard and red inside.

I went to the doctors and they gave me some cream and antibiotics. The cream has not worked and I have had reactions to antibiotics so am terrified to take it.

For a couple of days, I applied turmeric powder and coconut oil but it hasn't done much, perhaps I didn't use it for long enough?

I have some tea tree oil but am unsure if I can put this up my nose.

Any advice would be amazing.

Thanks in advance


Replied by Mama to Many (TN) on 09/06/2021

I would try the turmeric internally. It is amazing at healing skin issues. 4 capsules 3-4 times a day with a glass of water each time. (Or a teaspoon 3-4 times a day mixed with milk or plant milk or yogurt.)

Also, to use tea tree in the nose (a good idea! ) mix a drop of tea tree into a teaspoon of coconut oil and then use that topically.

Probiotics internally is a good idea.

Also avoid sugar.

These are things we have used for similar issues with good success.

~Mama to Many~

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Replied by Katzie (Calgary) on 09/09/2021

I would use Colloidal Silver on that. Soak a cotton ball in it and leave it up your nose for, say, 10 mins. Also, drink a few tablespoons of it. Therapeutic dose is only 1 teaspoon 1x day. You're fighting something large, so take the fight to it 2 ways, topically and internally. I would take at least 3 tablespoons of the silver water, hold it under the tongue for a full minute and then swallow. If you keep on this, it shouldn't take too long to get rid of.

Best of luck!

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Replied by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/10/2021

Neosporin (or generic) first-aid salve on a Q-tip and swab inside nostril over boil. Repeat as needed.

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