How to hasten healing after dialysis

Posted By Wanda (Windsor, Ontario) on 06/07/2012

Hi I am a 48 year old female with kidney disease and do dialysis 3 times a week.. Over the past year I have all my toes on my right foot removed and now I have what they call calcium deposits in the fat cells, on my left upper leg and heel, I also have a couple small ulcers on 3 of my left toes. I have had the big upper one debribed and cleaned... Is there anything I can use to make this heal faster.. It is about 4in. wide and about 8 in. long.. It is not very deep, but very painful. I have nurses coming in daily to clean and change the dressings... But I am not sure if they are doing enough.. They use saline to clean and put a inadine net over it, but that just dries it up where it becomes more painful and itchy. What do you recommend I can try naturally.

Thanks so much, Wanda

P.S. I am also diabetic... use oral medication, and diet.


Replied by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 06/07/2012

Hi, I too am a type 1 diabetic & I healed sores on my lower leg with a 50/50 mixture of diatomaceous earth & betonite & made a paste of it & aplied it to the wounds covered with a wet cottonwool & bandage & it healed very well in relatively short time compared to other wounds I had which took months. I hope this helps. Change the dressing regularly. & wash the paste off with water.

Replied by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 06/07/2012

Honey was always a good one for ulcers, Manuka with the fourteen factor mark. As for the kidney disease there's a diet in the database. For the calcium buildup AVC and Lemon juice over a few weeks should dissolve the dead calcium. Good luck.

Replied by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa ) on 06/09/2012

WANDA, my Integrative doctor uses a hydrogen peroxide IV to handle leg infections that won't heal.

He has saved numerous limbs with this method. Your problem will be finding a doctor who will do this procedure. More money in cutting off limbs.

This doctor is an MD Surgeon, but he got tired of cutting off folks limbs and got into integrative medicine in the early 90's. He still does surgery when necessary. He just cut out the growth on my left hand that I tried to heal with Iodine and wrote about on this site. ==RH==


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