How Effective Is Tea Tree Oil for Boils?

Posted By Julianna (Renton, WA) on 11/12/2007

Does anyone know how effective tea tree oil is applied topically and repeatedly for boils?' I am a experiencing a boil on my leg for the first time since I was in junior high gymnastics, and my daughter now has one on her face.  I've tried tea tree on my leg, and it totally takes away the fluid, but don't know if the connection is valid enough to try on my daughter's nose.  Am starting turmeric treatment, but curious about topical applications-especially with MRSA-is tea tree anitmicrobial enough to kill MRSA?

Replied by Cindy (Payson, AZ) on 03/16/2007

The best cure for any type of infection even moles/skin ticks/ infected staph or other boils that I've tried is TEA TREE OIL. I learned this in India when I traveled there. I had some serious infections that not even antibotics would cure but applying Tea Tree Oil over a few days did the trick. Also pouring proxide as a wash many times a day then treating with Tea Tree Oil does the trick!

Replied by Juan (West Covina, California, USA) on 03/16/2009

Try using Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) --- very effective against all pathogens like viruses, bacteria and fungus.

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