How Can I Rid Myself of Gallstones While Pregnant?

Posted By Karen (Ocala, Fl) on 03/31/2012

After having yet another attack of what I thought was severe indigestion, I ended up in the ER. An ultrasound showed gallstones. I am wondering what remedies I can take during pregnancy to not just relieve the pain, but to really fix the problem. I am trying a lower fat diet but am now struggling more with morning sickness. I had my 3rd attack in 2 weeks last night. I have read that it is normal for them to last several hours, but mine seem to go forever. Sometimes well over 24 hours. Please help!

Replied by Rebecca (Newport Beach, Ca) on 06/24/2012

I am NOT pregnant but was diagnosed with gallstones just before Christmas last year. I have had about 6 attacks since then lasting 2-5 hours and they are horrendous.

I have found that 2 things work for me. One is taking about 1 tablespoon of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in half a glass of water each morning. This has prevented any further attacks.

The other is treatment during an attack. Dissolve 1 tablespon of Epsom Salts in glass of water and drink. The taste is foul but better than the attack lasting for hours and diarrhea will result within hours. A teaspoon of honey gets rid of taste in mouth. I find that pain subsides in about 30-40 mins once the salts open the bile ducts to release the bile.

I no longer eat dairy or red meat and that helps too.

Not sure how safe either of these products are during pregnancy so please check with a doctor.


Replied by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 09/06/2012

You can also chase the epsom salts with fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice. It kills the taste immediately. Just a half cup will do it.

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