Hi ted description of ulcerative colitis

Posted By Rick (San Diego, Ca) on 11/06/2011

Hi Ted, I've been doing a lot of reading on your posts of treating UC and I am currently in a flare, as in bleeding usually in the morning once a day with a bowel movement but it is not diarrhea it is fairly firm stools. I am on 30 mg of Prednisone a day right now which is why I am probably not experiencing diarrhea. But I am also taking humic acid 3 times a day along with aloe vera oil and an aloe vera supplement. I am also taking 1 teaspoon of Psyillum husk once a day usually with dinner. And the other supplements I am taking are Ginger (6 capsules a day) as I hear this helps with inflammation, L-lysine(3 a day with every meal), and L-glutamine(3 a day before every meal). All the water I drink I have been putting in some baking soda to alkalize it as well except in the morning before breakfast.

So my main question is, what is a way I can stop the bleeding? And also I had read your latest post and you had mentioned using Artemisinin(isn't this used to treat malaria?) and Gallium Nitrate as some other supplements to add to the healing process? You just mentioned them so I was wondering if you could elaborate on how much to take and how it benefits and what not.

I have moderate to severe UC and during this last flare that I am slowing recovering from (all I need is the bleeding to stop) I lost a lot of weight and I am trying to get back to my normal weight while I am on Prednisone. Things I am eating would be like eggs almost every morning, turkey or tuna sandwhiches with whole wheat bread, salads, chicken, stuff like that. I am staying away from fruits which is really hard because I love my fruit, and also other sugar like cookies or food that has lots of sugar.

So please help Ted!! As I am trying to kick this UC once and for all!! Any suggestions you have I would greatly appreciate.


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/07/2011

I am reading a book at the moment on Magnesium ("Magnesium Miracle") which says that Prednisone drastically depletes the body of magnesium, vitamin c and vitamin K. Ulcerative colitis has been linked to a magensium deficiency.... Prednisone also lowers your immune system. Magnesium deficiency leads to all sorts of problems...

I would stop taking the Prednisone ... You are better off taking magnesium, probiotics, digestive enzymes, wheatgrass juice, spirulina and chorella and coconut oil (unrefined). Drinking a teaspoon of epson salts in water will also help (magnesium sulphate).



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