Hi i have last stage keratoconus

Posted By Luc (Bruxelles, Belgium) on 04/11/2011

HI, have a keratoconus at last stage and would like to heal from it. Conventional medicine failed to heal me and I just cannot do the transplant it is expensive and the results are limited. So I am looking for a way to heal my keratoconus "outside" the official treatments, I am sure it exists. I didnt know earthclinic until today and I was told I could find help here. Would you help me please? I did a search but didnt find anything on the site. Am I the first to ever ask about Keratoconus?

Looking forward to your answer

Thanks, Luc


Replied by Joan (New York, Ny) on 04/22/2011

Omega 3 fatty acids. I have had this for 35 years. I've taking a high dose daily of Omega 3's and last year, my doctor was amazed because my eyes had improved dramatically. I can wear glasses now and correct my vision. I am sticking with this for sure!!
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Replied by Ti Ru (New York Area) on 09/28/2022

Hi may I ask which fatty acid/ omega 3 you use?

Replied by Luc (Paris, France) on 05/04/2011

Thanks. What fatty acids products do you use? I also think there is a cure out there just waiting to be found or spread. I heard manuka honey diluted in water could help too. If you have a cure or an idea dont hesitate to share, for the greater good!
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Replied by Toni (Ljubljana, Slovenia (europe)) on 06/06/2011

Hi there!

I also have KC. I did crosslinking on both eyes what stopped progression of KC but of course I'm not satisfied with my vision. I'm searching for solution with internet browsers, on facebook, ..

One of them could be this:

..second one:

I sent an email yesterday to girl from first link to make sure this is a true story.

Well, if you get any good solution, please post it here.

Thanks in advance!



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