Hemorrhoids while 6 months pregnant

Posted By Arihia (Kerikeri, Bay Of Islands, New Zealand) on 09/30/2011

Hi I'm 36 yrs old and 6 months pregnant. For the first time in the past 2 days I have had painful external hemorroids, (at least thats what I think it is from doing a bit of research). no itching or bleeding yet, but very swollen and uncomfortable to sit or even stand. I have bathed in warm water 2x daily, which brings some relief just for a few hours though, After searching the net and finding your webpage. It looks as though A.C.V is the miracle cure for Hemorroids. Is it ok for pregnant women to take both internally and externally? Being 6 months pregnant is already taking a toll on my body, now I have hemorroids, this I could really do without. It really stops you from doing life's everyday duties.

Please give me some advice on how to get rid of these painful nasty ugly raisins. I dont know what's worse, Having Hemorroids or going into labour. :(


Replied by Knute (Sacramento, Ca) on 09/30/2011

Arihia, a holistic physician I've known for many years has found that if one takes 2-3000 milligrams of rutin every day, this will shrink hemorrhoids in most cases. He has received several testimonials about hemorrhoids that have disappeared in just a few days due to rutin supplements. Feel free to try it and let us know about it.

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