Help requested for baby sister with breast cancer

Posted By Blanche (Cottondale, Fla, America) on 05/12/2010

My baby sister had breast cancer doesn't run in family but she was diagnosed with it on last week had complete breast removed found cancer in first set lymph nodes positive under arm sent second set off what can we do waiting to see what treatment she need and what about her diet help please?

Replied by Winnie (Hampshire, Il, Us) on 05/17/2010

Hello Blanche!

Please don't feel like noone here cares. I responded to you several days ago, but for some, reason it never appeared. Here's the short version of what I wrote.

You may want to research enzyme therapy for your sister. Dr Gonzales in NY (Gonzales Clinic) has natural protocols to treat cancer, and has had wonderful successes. His treatments typically include enzyme supplements, and coffee enemas. After initial appt and protocol established, the patient administers at home. There are solutions out there that are natural, and won't ravage her health in the meantime. Stay positive!!


Replied by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/19/2010

Hi Blanche, please don't feel people don't care..... I felt quite bad reading this post but look at my case, lots of cancer in my family, my mother died of it so did her sister, father and mother. Another sister has it too but she will die of old age. Right now fortunately no one is struggling with it around me so I tend to read the posts about problems I am trying to solve but please don't think that it is because I don't care..... I do care about everybody in here who are suffering or have loved ones suffering.... just there are so many posts and one can't read them all! Moreover my mother only tried conventional treatments so I have no idea about what more is around. All the best to you and your sister!

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 05/19/2010

Hi Blanche...I put together an easy to use and understand protocol for all types of cancers as defined by Ted From Bangkok here:

Ted's Cancer Remedy

And here is the Ted's own story of how he has recently cured breast cancer in Bangkok:

Ted's Breast Cancer Cure Story

Hopefully this will help you and your sister.

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