Help needed w alopecia for 22 year old female

Posted By Sarah (Richmond, Va, United States) on 06/21/2011

I am a 22 year old female and have had alpecia for two years. It seems to be a cycle. Every 10 weeks I will get sick with cold like symptoms, headache, and feeling drained. When this happens, all of my hair on my head will fall out within two days. ( I still have body hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows. ) I will be sick for a week and then the hair will start growing back. It will get between 2-3inches long, and the whole process starts over. I have been to six different doctors. Nothing seems to help. I feel very sad and hope you can help me.

Thanks, Sarah

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Replied by Maria (Toronto, Canada) on 06/22/2011

I'd start by taking a good look at your diet. Do you eat mostly processed foods? Do you eat a lot of fast food? Drink pop every day?

Try eating meat, vegetables, fruit, dairy made from scratch. I.E. Eating a piece of salmon or a steak, not a fast food hamburger or fish sticks. Make a salad. Eat a piece of fruit. But some real cheese, not processed stuff. I'd bet you see an improvement.

Good luck! Hope you find the solution.


Replied by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 06/22/2011

It sounds like a hormone imbalance. Testosterone is the usual culprit.. You might be producing to much during your cycle, and it stops hair growth. It might be worth looking into one of the oils that mimics ostrogen.. And rubbing some in topicaly. Usualy in females the adrenals produce testosterone. Especialy after menopause. I hope this helps.

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne , Australia) on 06/22/2011


From the Doctoryourself website:

ALOPECIA: Genetic factors aside, zinc deficiency is known to cause alopecia (hair loss) in animals. I think vitamin E and the essential fatty acids linoleic and linolenic acid are also important. I stopped my own hair from thinning by taking lecithin, high doses of the B-complex, and zinc".

Also multiminerals may help and large doses of Vitamin C.

This may be a good start anyway.

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