Help Needed for Upper Abdominal Pain

Posted By Dawn (Edmonton) on 10/23/2016

I would like to find a remedy for my upper abdominal pain The pain comes and goes I noticed it's worst after eating but lately it even come when I haven't had a meal. I've been dealing with this pain off and on for a year. I've been on antacid pill stomach spasm pills nothing helps . The pain it's self is on the left upper abdominal side but radiates to the mid section and back. I become bloated, constipated some nausea it's so painful. I have no heart burn. Please if any one can suggest something I would greatly appreciated it.

Replied by Ji (Ontario, Canada) on 10/24/2016

Hi Dawn,

The pain you describe is from your left kidney. You can research this further for details on symptoms and treatment.


Replied by Steve (Nv) on 10/24/2016

You may want to try doing Hulda Clark liver/gallbladder cleanses. It sounds like radiating pain coming from the liver or gallbladder. Also taking warm magnesium citrate powder (natural calm) with water daily will help to open up the ducts and release any pressure in that area.
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Replied by Vibegirl (Buffalo, Ny) on 10/24/2016

You may want to look at symptoms of a hiatal hernia and see if that may be some of what you are describing - I have many clients who get relief after seeing their chiropractor for an adjustment...and as someone else said possible gall bladder - may have to have a test done to be sure?
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Replied by Jim (Frostburg) on 10/25/2016

The bloating indicates intestinal gas build-up --which in turn will typically cause the mid-section radiating pain. I'm thinking you have a case of a nasty mold inhabiting your 'gut'; and this 'yeast' is producing the gas. I personally would take a D-Limonene pill once or twice a day for a couple of days. D-Limonene (as well as 'good-old' gum turpentine and kerosene) is very effective at killing-off mold/fungus/bacteria and righting the gut. Amazon has several offerings of food-grade D-limonene in gel-capsules -- check the reviews.

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/25/2016


Re your bloating.

Could you list what you've tried so a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in water twice daily etc. Or ACV with a third teaspoon of baking soda etc. When did your condition begin? After a serious infection? Some more info would help narrow suggestions.


Replied by C (Pnw - Usa) on 10/25/2016


Please, if you have been having this issue for a year....please consider going to see a doctor. I put off going for a bit longer than that, and I ended up with a colostomy bag.

I don't want to scare you, but you may need more than an herb. There are times when conventional medicine is needed. This may be one of them.

I wish I had gone to the doctor sooner. I hope you have nothing seriously wrong. Good luck.

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