Help needed for radiation stored in cells

Posted By Vicky (Plymouth, Mi) on 07/06/2011

Need help ASAP. My husband needs his Aortic heart valve replaced, but can't do surgery at this time due to his bad lungs (need to be stronger). The doctors say it's due to the radiation now taking effect to the lungs/heart area radiated 30 years ago for Hodgkin's Disease. He's been in/out of the hospital since January and suffering so much to keep the fluid off his lungs/legs/ankles/feet. He started with double pneumonia in January and found he had CHF. I bumped into a patient at the hospital and he told me about a drug/vitamin (???) to restore tissues that were radiated and he now has new cells/tissues and healed. We didn't exchange phone numbers, unfortunately. He's in a study for the Metronics heart valve and hopefully will be a candidate. Can his cells/tissues be restored after 30 years??? We're desperate in seeking answers and hope someone out there can help. He seems to be getting worse daily with retaining fluids and hard to keep off.

Replied by Danae (Munich, Bavaria) on 07/06/2011

There is a lot you can do to repair cells! Here are some suggestions you might want to consider:

Detox - with Green Vegetable juices or smoothies (see Smoothy Challenge on the web for inspiration and exchange) - every day! This is called 'soap' for the cells to get toxins out of the body! And in turn the cells can start to repair. If you are on the fly and cannot make ACV water etc. look out for Kombucha organic drinks - some taste really good and refreshing and help the liver to detox which is essential (it is an Asian healing secret).

PH-levels - check the ph-level and drink 1 liter of water added 1 tablespoon of ACV in small sips over the entire day to keep/or bring the ph level into a healthy state. Check out Kangen water - or broadcasts by Dr. Shinya (youTube) to see how the colon effects all parts of you health.

Dietary Changes - Dr. Shinya, Norman Walker, Natalia Rose recommend a special diet to clean the colon - but literally, change the diet to more fruits (cleansers in the morning) more vegetables (builders in the afternoon). Why juices during healing are so important: A weak physical state can often not digest raw food and without fresh enzimes, minerals etc. The body fails to repair. Juicing ensures that you get 100% enzymes but you will not loose any energy through digestion. This is the reason why this is so important in the beginning. And out of experience no vitamin pill can compare with fresh juices! The physical effect is totally different.

Colon Gravity Hydro Therapy - this will possibly be a key to advance the healing. I changed my diet radically 6 month ago as I had allergies suddenly appearing and came to healing crisis. Colon Hydro was the key factor to quicken the progress in my situation. In healing circles fresh juices are called 'soap' of the body and the colon hydro the 'shower' - together they have immense effects to help the body to a state of self-healing!

Since I realised how to clean my cells and stay away from processed foods all kinds of "little ailments" left me.

I can only support you - if you start gently with a smoothie or fruit juice every day before eating anything else (make some research to understand how things have to work together to ensure gentle and longlasting cellular cleansing) your husband will see results and find healing.

Once you start, keep in mind detoxing the cells means that you need to support all "detoxing organs: COLON = Colon Hydro or enemas. LIVER = Kombucha, Schizandra, ACV, Kangen Water, organic lemon juice with water in the morning, smoothies. KIDNEY = drink a lot of water or above mentioned beverages make some research on good juices for his condition (carrot and spinach, carrot, cucumber and beet root with some lemon, paers and ginger for taste). SKIN = is an underestimated major detoxing organ. Use Dry brushing or shiatsu pressure massage (depending if you husband tolerates it but foot reflex massage is often good as well) to get the lymphs flowing and to help the toxins to be released over the skin. If you support these organs you cell cleanse will be gentle and effective.

Natalie Rose emphasises a gentle transition which is the most effective and healing. Stay balanced --- these simply steps whatever you can integrate will help - be consistent and implement it for at least 30 days and you will be amazed!

I started detoxing and am so glad that so much can be reversed... And a friend of mine who had breast cancer with 70 started the same 5 years ago and is completely healed --- she worked with an intuitive healer and health nutritionist and looks younger now!!! Just check it out - there is so much on the web. Trust natures amazing healing properties.

I wish all the best for your journey & God bless!


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/07/2011

to Vicky from Plymouth, Mi, for water retention, I find that IBT (inclined bed therapy) helps dramatically. Together with whatever else you are doing, try raising the HEAD of the bed a few inches.

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/07/2011

Vicky, I agree with everyone else that green juices are excellent for ridding the body of radiation. I would add that wheatgrass juice has been shown to rid the body of radiation. You can research this. Google "Ann Wigmore wheatgrass radiation" and you should find a lot of info. Wheatgrass will also rid the body of heavy metals.

Chlorella and spirulina are also excellent to take. Here is an excellent ebook to read. (only 39 pages)

From the book:

The astounding truth of how one group of patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation actually quadrupled their two-year survival rates by taking a single dose of chlorella!


Replied by Vee (South Mills, Nc) on 07/28/2011

Vicky, have you tried detoxing? If there is still bad stuff sitting in the cells, detoxing makes sense to me. I'd do that, I'd get his ph balanced, I'd oxygenate him with H2O2, maybe do juicing with only organic veggies/fruits and throw in some Apple Cidar Vinegar. ACV helps more things than you can imagine.

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