Help needed for post trauma after belly button torture

Posted By A (Philadelphia, Pa) on 06/27/2011

this sounds crazy but its true.. A dear close friend of mine was in the military and during her stay there. She was part of a special unit I can't or am not allowed to get into full detail about... She mentioned a terrible thing that happended to her called belly button torture she was poked in her belly button with a needle!!!

after they kidnapped her and thank god they found her & many others alive. Yet her belly button is injured she had the best medical attention yet I'm not certain if its really working for her because she's in terrible pain. does anyone know of any remedies and the complications belly button torture causes? this is not the type of belly button torture that is recreational they couldve killed her and I prayed that her and the others were saved and rescued.

if your familiar with a remedy for belly button torture could you email me a remedy. She says her upper abdomen is in pain and it hurts when she has sex..


Replied by Colorado (Pueblo, Colorado, usa) on 11/09/2011

PTSD can be healed with this method, eftuniverse. com click on 'get started free' watch and therapists at

Replied by Colorado (Pueblo, Colorado, Usa) on 11/09/2011

Along with EFT, take 600mg of panax ginseng an adaptogenic herb to balance and help heal the adrenals until they are better.

Replied by Lizzie (London, Uk) on 01/21/2012

Faster EFT really helped me with P.T.S.D. It is very powerful. I would highly recomend this. You can see lots of examples on youtube if you type in Fastereft. Or look up Robert Smith, the founder of Fastereft.

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