Help Needed for Painful Fibroids

Posted By Arooj (Pakistan) on 09/14/2015

Hi...I have been diagnosed by multiple fibroids - bigger one is 90mm by 90 mm. Doctor treated me on oral contraceptive pills..I had a lot n lots of bleeding n now after three months of bleeding is comparatively less but I got sharp n severe pain on my left lower side due to fibrods..what to do..kindly advice not want to go for myomectomy as the last option in my country.
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Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/15/2015

Dear Arooj,

You will find lots of things people have used to shrink fibroids here.

If you can get Blackstrap Molasses, that is an excellent place to start - 1 Tablespoon each day. I take it in a hot drink each morning because it is very good for you.

Also, you will find information about Castor Oil Packs here. Just do not use them while you are bleeding.

I hope you will feel much better soon!

~Mama to Many~


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