Help needed for husbands dizziness

Posted By Meg (Hamilton, , Canada) on 06/29/2011

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a remedy to cure/help my husband's dizziness. It feels like a 'head rush', or like when you get up too quickly, but it happens to him at all different times of day, if he turns his head too far, or tilts it up, etc. Often he also feels nauseous as well, and it is sometimes accompanied by a headache too. This been going on for 3-4 years. He has been to the doctor, had an MIR etc, and they can't find anything the matter.

Btw, he's 27, regular weight, and eats well. (No artificial sweetners, junk food etc.) Any help would be great! Thanks!


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 06/29/2011

Hi Meg, the dizziness symptom jolted my brain a bit. Someone posted this excellent ebook the other day on this site about spirulina and chlorella. It does mention dizziness. May be worth trying... They are excellent for health anyway.

It is an excellent read (about 39 pages but worth it).

From an excerpt (page 14):

"Both chlorella and spirulina have been shown to be quite effective for people suffering from anemia (blood deficiencies), poor spleen function, weak digestive absorption, and other similar "lack of vitality" disorders.

If you or someone you know is anemic, has low blood pressure, suffers from dizziness, or shows obvious signs of lack of vitality (such as having infrequent bowel movements), then chlorella is something that I strongly recommend be considered. Over time, most people find that chlorella builds vitality, improves digestion, enhances energy, improves mental clarity, and basically helps people regain their youthful energy and start rebuilding the strength of organs and tissues".


Replied by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 06/29/2011

Hi Meg -

Has he ever had a diagnosis of meniere's disease? I suppose you have already read up on it, but if not, you might want to google it on the web....that is what it sounds like to me, anyway (I am not a doctor, just know someone who has had meniere's disease). Good luck - that would be such a miserable thing to have for so long. I hope your husband is better soon.


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/29/2011

Hi Meg... It might be that that your husband has an inner ear problem affecting balance. It could be that he has a form of Meniere's disease or Vertigo. In any case, here is Ted's remedy, which applies to both of these problems:

Meniere's Disease:

This is the simplest possible cure for this condition. You should see a dramatic reduction in tinnitus, dizziness, vomiting in a matter of days. The cause is a virus, likely to be a herpes viruses. The condition attacks the area and when you first have it, you know when it started. The remedy to get most of the viruses killed is to take 1000 mg of vitamin C, followed in 55 minute, by a doses of1200 mg of lysine for a total of 6 doses on the first day. On the second day its 1200 mg of lysine at 55 minute dose interval for a total of 4 doses. The third and fourth day is the same. To make sure it's completely gone, you try to take at least 1200 mg of lysine dose twice a day for the next 30 days, or longer. The point is, the very first week usually 90% is gone. The lysine is kept up at a fairly high level. For the tougher cases, a 500 mg aspirin can be added along with the vitamin C, before starting on the daily doses of lysine. That means vitamin C 1000 mg plus 500 mg aspirin, before starting the 6 doses of lysine on first day, 4 doses on second day, 4 doses on the third day, 4 doses on the fourth day. It's a four day remedy that usually kills most of the herpes out of the system. If it isn't out, the attacks will be far and between, instead of getting more frequent attacks with each coming year, until it becomes very debilitating. I managed to see a couple of cures, from this Meniere's disease. If there are tougher ones, there is alpha lipoic acid, zinc and alkalization to deal with it, as well as lemon bioflavonoid, piracetam, and the like. But it's likely to be lysine, vitamin C and aspirin in that order. I am presently investigating alpha lipoic acid in such use, but since herpes always goes away before I get a chance to start the new test treatment, I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

After the above one month treatment, I think a daily maintenance dose of just 1200 mg lysine should prevent most future attacks. If not increasing the dose to just twice a day should be sufficient.

In the past I also had heart arrythmia as well as strange dizziness, but not as serious as your husband's condition I think. I cured this problem -- now four years gone -- by supplementing 250 mg Magnesium Chloride (or Mag Citrate or Mag Gluconate) twice a day as well as taking 5% Lugol's Iodine solution -- about two drops daily -- every day. If you cannot get the Lugols Iodine then just use high dose kelp instead. And I still take Magnesium and Lugol's Iodine now, since these nutirents, which are both extremely important for our body's metabolism, are so sadly lacking in all western diets.


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