Help Needed for Eleven Year Old with Fatty Liver

Posted By Reynalda (Ca) on 05/05/2016

I have an 11 year old daughter with NASH (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). She does lots of exercise and diet but she still gains weight every 3 months we go to see the Dr. Shes 5'31/2" tall and weighs 182 pounds I would like to know home remedies to help her...please help

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/06/2016

Reynalda, read up on Apple Cider Vinegar dissolving fats.

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/05/2016

Dear Reynalda,

I am wondering what her diet is like. Does she take medication? Does she have any other health problems? I would like to help and answers to these questions would be helpful for me to make suggestions.

~Mama to Many~


Replied by Rebel (Some Where Usa) on 05/06/2016

One may want to look at dandelion root and milk thistle for the liver. It can be taken as tea or by pill.
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Replied by Ben (Bremerton) on 05/06/2016

It's like a pandemic, kids overweight and developing health problems at an early age.

Now is it simply a discipline problem of deliberately overeating? Scientists who look into the problem say no.

So what it that causes kids to eat so much?

Science has discovered that the brain center that determines appetite like hunger versus a full belly is controlled by certain chemicals. And this part of the brain can become damaged by excessive free glutamic acid such as aspartame, msg and modified food starch. These chemicals are very dangerous as they are neurotoxic and deadly carcinogenic!

Yes, diet soda can make you fat!

Nowadays these potent neurotoxins are added to nearly every food a kid eats. These dangerous food additives damage the sensing ability of the brain to determine hunger levels. The result is you over eat and eat and eat some more. Your brain no longer knows when you are full and chronic overeating becomes a normal thing.

So what is the answer? Don't eat pre-processed foods. Eat only natural foods without any chemicals added to them.

Here is another problem that results in overeating, its the over consumption of cooked foods.

Huh? what the heck? you might be thinking the body is designed to run on cooked foods. If you think that you are one of billions who does not understand how nutrition works in the body.

Can you think of any animal species who cooks their foods before eating? well maybe wiley coyote keeps dreaming about stuffed roadrunner for thanksgiving dinner but animals seem to prefer their foods raw. In this thing they are smarter than us. Raw foods are full of nutrients while cooked foods are nutrient deficent.

At a temperature of 120 degrees the life giving enzymes and vitamins are destroyed creating a lifeless nutritionally worthless mass of gunk that can no longer nourish our bodies. When we eat lifeless nutritionally deficient garbage our bodies suffer. We are not getting the nutrients our bodies crave therefore the body says me want vitamins! me want vitamins! and you go to work eating twice as much trying desperately to get the nutrition your body demands from your nutritionally absent cooked foods

It is the enzymes that give us life. When these enzymes are destroyed then our food brings us sickness and death instead of life.

Cancer develops in those who are nutrient deprived. Organ systems run out of energy and breakdown.

The life forces that protected the plant are supposed to be used by us to keep us from cancer and ill health, but by cooking we destroy the life force in the plants and wipe out their anticancer properties.

Researchers have known for hundreds of years that most fruits and vegetables in their fresh raw natural state have healthy properties that keep us free from disease such as cancer etc.

Researchers also know that a diet of cooked foods promotes cancer. In fact cancer will thrive on cooked foods but quickly goes away when the diet is switched to fresh raw whole foods in their natural state. One of the most succesful of all cancer therapies is the gerson therapy. They simply bring the diet back to the basics, eat raw foods and live!

A diet of cooked foods also brings on additional problems. Fresh raw foods contain an entire nutrient package including the very digestive enzymes needed to break down each particular food. When these foods are cooked we lack the digestive enzymes to break down these foods instead asking the already overworked pancreas to supply more enzymes that were once present in the foods. Can you see how an over worked pancreas can break down after a lifetime of eating cooked foods?

When foods are incompletely digested they can form a sludge inside the intestines.bAd bacteria love that idea, it helps them flourish. This sludge of mucus etc can harden into intestinal mucoid plaque. The enzymes in fresh foods keeps the intestines clean but where are the enzymes in cooked foods? there arent any! the intestinal tract gets filthy and we get filthy in turn.

Fresh raw foods keep our bodies clean and free from disease.

To live a life free from disease we must learn the lessons nature provided. Let charlotte gerson be an example for you, let her wisdom guide you back to health. Watch her videos available on youtube.

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