Help Needed for Autistic Son with Severe Digestive Problems

Posted By David (Ny) on 02/07/2017

Hi, I have a son who is 12 years old. He is severely autistic. He cannot speak and still wear pampers. He had constipation and big time digestion issues. He is not on any medication. Also if something hurts him he does not point just crys or lashes out so it is very hard to see what bothers him sometimes. I went to a natural person and he gave me some things to check out on blood test. The doctor was mad but did write the prescription for the test. I am t. Just wanted to see if any of you can help before giving results to natural doctor.

  • His b12 and b6 came back normal. His vitamin d was 33 which is low range of normal.
  • Hydroxyproline level is 40 normal range 6-32
  • Glycine level is 358 normal range is 130-349
  • Alanine level is 495 normal range is 157-401
  • 1-Methylhistidine is 34 normal range is less than 27
  • Lithium is none detected normal range is .60 to 1.20

All oils like coconut oil olive oil butters and fruit seem to bother him. Also brown rice hurts. And most food bothers him. I tried magnesium and one day he got a rash. I tried probiotics and nothing seemed to work. Can anyone help me???

I went to so many GI doctors and they all just look sad and not help. I am not trying to cure his autism I am trying to help him feel better. Its hard to see your kid in pain so much. I took away so many food and he doing better. But it doesnt make sense with his digestion. He is on so little food.


Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/07/2017


Re: your son's digestion issues

I've seen a lot of success with a substance that helps on cellular level with control of "ports" letting nutrients in and letting out pollutants out of cells: AEP. My best source is from "Wellness Resources" and the name is "calcium AEP" on line the article "youtube calcium AEP Nutrition Review" and see the abundant things AEP does. Maybe try a part of a capsule in something he can tolerate and if no negative reaction then increase gradually. I take 2 per day for all the reasons you will read about in Nutrition Review. I know of people who have gotten on AEP who had Parkinsons and stayed stable over a decade with use of 5 or 6 caps daily.


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/08/2017

David, is he drinking enough water?

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/08/2017

Also David, look into that lithium deficiency.

Replied by Meg (Kansas City) on 02/08/2017

Dear David, I would investigate Dr. Natasha McBride and her GAPS diet. She works with autistic children and others with severe digestive issues and has a whole protocol on her website. Good luck to you and I pray for the healing of your son.
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