Seeking Help for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PCS)

Posted By Jason (NC) on 06/23/2021


I am looking for help with primary sclerosing cholangitis. I could not find anything on earth clinic regarding the diagnosis. Would it follow a similar regime as cirrhosis?

Thanks in advance.

Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/25/2021

I am overcoming hepatic liver cysts, and my nurse friend has liver issues, Different but still your liver is your largest organ . She is using Tudca

The Benefits of TUDCA - YouTube and just google Tudca to get more insights

Ted's Remedies, Natural Remedies for Liver Disease and Liver Damage (

Will a Liver Cleanse Help Cirrhosis and a Fatty Liver? - YouTube

I use soy lecithin GRANULES, stinging nettle, dandelion, ginger, molybdenum, ALA, beet root Ox bile and taurine instead of tudca and I am drinking coconut water lately . I can't list all the stuff I use but topical poultice of castor oil, and if you can use it serrapeptaise to get rid of scar tissue quick . Read a lot and start stuff slow and low dose. I have improved a lot but have other fires to put out and I follow the healers on youtube, Mark Hemans encounter, John Mellor, Words are very important and what you believe in your heart comes out of your mouth. Words are very important and you have to control thoughts, Placebos work. I think therefore I am and I can. Nothing is impossible for me to overcome, no matter what it looks like, feels like, taste like, sounds like. I got this ! As led, Blessings, Charity

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