Need Help for Vaginal Thrush and BV, Diet Changes and Remedies Not Working

Posted By Shoshana (Us) on 01/19/2017

Greetings...Could you give me some advice. I have had recurring alternating Bacterial vaginsis and thrush for about 9 months. Even my thrush isn't itchy or sore. It jus produces alot of thick white curdy discharge. I have no gas, bloating tummy issues. I have no sugar/ carb cravings. My B.v is very mild and hardly smells. I have tried boroc acid supposetiries. ACV before meals. Bicarb in morning with plenty of water. Different kinds of enemas. At the moment I have lucus in most of my stools as well. My diet is grass fed, gluten free vegetarian, No milk. I take care of myself and im in good shape. My guess is opportuninstic organisms. I may have to do a full colon cleanse followed by a full parasite cleanse. Guidelines anybody????

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