Heart Palpitations and Supra Venticular Tachycardia

Posted By Kimberly (Victorville, Ca) on 08/13/2008

I am 38 years old and am so desperate for anything that may decrease my palpitations. I not only have palpatations but occassionally the palpatations send me into SVT(Supra Ventricular Tachycardia). I have delt with this for years and have had just about every cardiac test ran on me that you can imagine, all with normal results. I have even had two cardiac ablations done to my heart, both were unsuccessful. Over the years more things seem to cause the palpatations...first it was caffiene, then antihistamines, then not enough sleep, then alcohol, any anxiety, and now believe it or not...sugar!! I can have just a few sips of something with sugar and my heart immediatly starts with the palpitations. It is obvious that ANY stimulation effects my heart. I have even been to an endocrinologist and no I am not diabetic and my thyroid is fine. I am just miserable. Could you please give me the dosage on how much apple cider vinegar to take, how often and what brand? Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Replied by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/15/2008

Hi Kimberly, A few things came to mind while I was reading your e-mail to EC. l. Have you ever heard of the pulse test for allergies? This theory is that the pulse rate at rest increases 20 or more beats per minute after eating or drinking something you are allergic to. Maybe you have some severe allergies. 2. Magnesium plays a big part of regulating the heart rate. If this is the problem, you should start magnesium supplements immediately. The Bcomplex vitamins also help in this area. 3. If you haven't already done so, on line search "excitotoxins" and print out names monosodium glutamate(MSG) is hidden under in ingredients lists. Two of the major excitotoxins are MSG and aspartame (Nutri-sweet), both of which most all of our processed foods are laden with, and both of which are known to cause cardiac irregularities. One source I read even blamed sudden deaths on otherwise healthy people, who ingested a lot of aspartame (in diet drinks and diet foods). Try to eliminate as much of these two excitotoxins as you can and if the symptoms decrease, you'll know that you have found the cause.

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