Have tried several natural remedies for yeast infection

Posted By Eb (Victoria, Canada) on 09/11/2011

I have tried multiple natural remedies for yeast in the past, but didn't have much success fighting them without using OTC topical treatments. I started developing another yeast infection two weeks ago so I figured I'd just use a 6 day clotromizole treatment right away. It seemed to be almost gone, but I would still get a bit of itching in the evenings while using it. After the last dose, my symptoms started increasing. I tried apple cider vinegar baths and direct vinegar application to the area, which seemed to keep the symptoms down for a number of hours at first. However, after about 4 days of this I was just feeling totally inflamed and sore, and still have major itching that is driving me nuts, and am no longer experiencing any real relief with the ACV. I was also trying garlic cloves vaginally, tea tree and probiotics, and am generally on a good diet (vegetarian, low sugar, low dairy other than yogurt). I gave up yesterday and I am trying another OTC, which has yet to help. I'm also waiting on another lab test - the first didn't show yeast or BV, but my doctor figures it may have been negative for yeast since I had the test right after finishing the clotromizole. I am worried that I have a resistant strain or something! I really wish the ACV worked for me! And I'm open to suggestions! I got boric acid, which I will try after I finish the OTCs if necessary (hopefully not! )

Replied by Helpyourself (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 09/12/2011

Try white vinegar as a douche. About 1/3 white vinegar to 2/3 water. Use as needed; everything in moderation :)

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