Have fleas and advice needed on insect bites

Posted By Lamplighter (Albuquerque, Nm) on 05/17/2011

I have two indoor cats. While living in NC, I experienced fleas for the first time. I am now in NM and am experiencing them again! I have treated both cats with frontline plus - can't say that it really seems to help - then or now (any suggestions for other product?). I have bites on my head (sores) and also sores on my back. I also find very tiny little red marks on various places on my body which I assume are where the bites took place. I do see little black dots and have had a doc and vet test but there is no blood in them. I also have seen little slivers of black pieces on my skin as well. I vacuum, dust and wash clothing and sheets. It seems like when I put on clothing that has been washed, I am bitten from the clothing - can the fleas exist in the clothing? Could the washing/moisture and heat increase productivity - hatching of eggs? It seems the bugs reside in the fabric, sheets and/or clothes. I have thrown away clothes because I feel like I get bitten when wearing them. I know they always talk of fleas itching but I find them more of a sore feeling than an itching feeling. My cats seem less bothered than I.

I wonder at times if the frontline plus, borax, comet, etc are causing me a chemical reaction and my skin is reacting in this weird way????I have not seen a flea on them this go-roudn but did see ONE in NC. I have sprinkled borax soap around, tried spraying with vinegar, comet, etc. I have also seen some red "tracks" on my skin - I find myself picking at my head and possibly spread onto my skin by touch. I don't know whether to shower more or less - again without knowing if I am increasing the numbers because of the moisture. I even use a body scrubber and leave shampoo and conditioner in hair in hopes of killing them.

I would wonder if I am imagining all of this but I have a cousin who has had the exact same symptoms - down to the last detail. He is not someone I spend time with but rather contacted him after learning of he was having similar problems. I could go on and on but I think that gives you somewhat of an idea.


Replied by Bughater (Chicago, Il) on 06/19/2011

What you describe sounds like bed bugs... Have you checked the seams of the mattress etc? These are very difficult to get rid of to say the least and they hitch rides in your clothing..... Do some research for tell tale signs in the room. Look for black dots on furniture etc these would be the droppings... They like wood so start with any wooden furniture in the room first. They do not travel very far from their food source so they should be close to the bed if this is the case. I worked with my neighbor for three months to get rid of them in her house! We wrapped the mattresses in plastic covers... Duct taped the zipper completely, put borax around the bed, vaseline on any climbing source to the bed, sprayed the entire room down with alcohol (we were told it may kill the eggs before they can hatch), and finnally she would wear long sleeves, pajama pants and socks to bed. No bites for a long time now and she only saw one or two small ones which she immediately killed after that... easy to find if you know what you are looking for but they spread out so you just have to be vigilant. I hope this helps! Good Luck

Replied by Mary (Regina, Saskctchewan, Canada) on 06/19/2011

Hi: I was just reading that Food Grade Diatomacious Earth was a very effective killer of Bed Bugs. See a web site called Wolf Creek Ranch for a better description of all the amazing features of this unique silica product.

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