Have chronic fungal infection

Posted By Norma (Illinois, US) on 02/16/2015

I continually have a rash under my breast area and between my upper thighs, I went to a dermatologist a few years ago and was told it was a fungus, he gave me a script for a fungal cream, it clears it up but comes back in about 2-3 weeks. I now just buy jock itch cream to clear it up, but still comes back. I am wondering if I have a fungus infection on the inside of me and need a cleanse of some kind and if I do does anyone know what kind to get or any suggestions what I can do to clear this up. I also have shortness of breath, after reading different comments, am wondering if this due to a fungus infection. Please help, I am a 62 yr old female. thanks again

Replied by Timh (KY) on 02/17/2015

N: Read the post on the current page for the Bill Monro H2O2 inhalation method.

Alkalizing remedies will be needed. ACV & Coconut Oil will help very much. Common antifungal herbs are Garlic, Oregano, Olive Leaf, Grapefruitseed, and Neem. Chromium + Niacinamide + Cinnimon helps the body convert sugars to energy which reduces fungal growth.

Maybe add some Borax or Oxypowder to your laundry, especially underwear that can harbor funguses.

Tons of info on Candida and Fungal infections here on E.C.

Let us know of any questions and post progress.


Replied by Bill (San Fernando) on 02/17/2015

Hi Norma...Unfortunately the doctor's tests for candida fungus are notoriously inaccurate so the cheapest and best way to confirm whether you have fungus problems would be to take this free online test.

Candida Questionnaire

The score results from this questionnaire will more accurately tell you whether you have candida or not. The questionnaire is based on Dr William G Crook's questionnaire for identifying candida problems. He wrote a definitive book called The Yeast Connection which identified not only that most other doctors were clueless about diagnosing candida(which is why he brought out the questionnaire) but he also established important connections between candida waste toxins and various mental problems.

If you do confirm that you have systemic candida (ie infecting your blood, tissues and organs) then you can follow a protocol like this one to get rid of the systemic candida or follow one of the other anti-candida protocols given on EC.

If you are having problems breathing then you might also have fungus in your lungs. To get rid of that quickly and to help you breath properly again I would try using the Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method by Bill Munro to get rid of this lung problem. This simple but effective protocol will kill any virus, bacteria or fungus in your lungs causing your breathing problems.

You should also be aware that if you have significant mold or fungus problems in the walls/roof of your house or apartment then this might be the main reason why you are having fungal problems now -- because you might be inhaling the fungal spores from all that mold which might be a key reason for all your present fungal problems.


Replied by Prakash (India) on 02/17/2015

The symptoms you mentioned in your post regarding fungal infection, I had experienced the same, tried lots of creams and lotions nothing helped but a friend suggested white vinegar, half diluted with water in a spray bottle, initially spray 3.4 times in a day and when cured twice in a week. If it helps please give the feedback so that others sufferers are also helped.

Replied by Diamond (Ma., US) on 02/21/2015

I do a lot of web researches as well as come into this chat forum.I found some very interesting information that I have been looking for most of my adult life. I was so shocked at what I read. I also have known for quite some time that I had a fungus disease, when I was very young my doctor told me I had a blood disease but he wasn't sure what it was. Because of the fungus, I read "Do not take any conventional meds.for high cholesterol" "It will cause a heart attack." This information is phenomenal, I have no problem "Not" eating meat because I never cared for it any way. Before I put in this greater information I needed to add this: As for eating greens I buy the freshly juiced veggies100% pure and tastes great also I found in the super market what is called"Heart Healthy" The name of the product is sold by:Bolthouse farms...It is Vanilla Chai Tea, it's a protein tea & soy beverage & heaven sent. Here is this wonderful site: http://www.consumerhealth.org/articles/display.cfm?ID=19990303223214

Replied by Cindy (Usa) on 02/22/2015

Would like to hear from Bill on Diamond's post and the link that was provided


I appreciate the information and read it all, tho I continue to be confused by the posts about candida issues on this forum and people seeking to recover from it like myself. I really get the need to alkalize and restrict sugars and such. The part that is so hard to sort out is WHAT to really eat and I think everyones body has different needs. I was doing largely raw food and protein and then I read raw food (some vegetables esp.) can be hard to digest and also that in raw form our food can have more chance of having bacterias etc on it aiding to the candida as well. Can we eat our home fermented food?

Also I appreciate Bill's anti-candida protocol schedule for when to take all supplements, but who can do this at their job? Is there any easier way for some one to do all the supplementing/alkalizing and still work fulltime?

Thanks in advance, sorry if it doesn't sound like it, I really do look forward everyday to the new things to read and the wealth of information on Earth Clinic!


Replied by Bill (San Fernando) on 02/22/2015

Hi Cindy...From Diamond's post, she has mentioned two things which I will be addressing.

I personally have no problem with raw vegetable food diet for those that suit such a diet. But I am really an advocator of meat and veggies.

My reasons for this is because both meat and vegetables have been part of our diet for thousands of years. I also remember actually trying a vegetarian diet when I was in my 30s. Total failure here -- While on that diet, I had no energy with many other problems -- so I went back to meat and veggies.

Since then I have read all about all sorts of diets and have come to certain conclusions and these are:

* Vegetarian or vegan diets certainly do not suit everyone.

* Vegetarian diets always lack B12 and certain other critical amino acids like taurine and carnitine. They are not a perfect diet for us in other words.

Even Max Gerson in his own highly successful cancer therapy included adding raw bovine liver to all his vegetable smoothies for his cancer patients because liver contains very high amounts of amino acids, vitamins and minerals in the most bioavailable form for the human body. But alot of people still say that his diet was vegetarian or vegan. I know all this because I've read Gerson's book on cancer therapy which describes his whole protocol in detail. A similar blind spot occurs when people loudly declare that the Okinawan Diet is entirely vegetarian. Wrong again. They also use pork fat and chicken fat regularly in their cooking and they eat alot of animal offal(kidneys, liver) and seafood. The well-known book called The Okinawan Diet told me that.

I am not one to hold that vegatarian diets are better or Paleo diets are better. What plainly comes out of my own research is that modern food quality in general has seriously deteriorated which also means that both meat and veg are not so healthy for us now -- because all food is so tainted with poisons, drugs, unnatural feeds and GMO due to heavy chemical processing and GMO.

From another point of view I would also advocate that any extreme diet -- such as Paleo diet or being purely vegan is not natural for the human body.

I research diet mainly in terms of our comparable historic diets wrt health. So that's why I am against the current processed food methods used for meat and vegetables today in the West, which contain over 3, 000 preservatives, drugs, pesticides GMO etc. All bad.

But up to the mid-1800s, in the West, they ate a diet of meat and veg. The fats they ate in their diets were not highly processed veg oils or even natural veg oils -- they predominantly used mainly natural butter, lard and tallow -- all saturated fats. And right up to the early 1900s there were no autoimmune diseases -- no heart disease, no diabetes, no cancer, no obesity, no Metabolic Syndrome etc -- in the numbers that we have in the West today. So saturated fats from organic pasture-fed animals of that older period would appear to have nothing whatsoever to do with autoimmune disease. For this reason I regard these highly processed omega 6 polyunsaturated veg oils, particularly when consumed in such high daily amounts in the West, as being entirely unnatural, dangerous and completely unsuitable for the body. Our bodies only need small daily amounts of omega 3, 6 & 9 veg oils in the right ratios -- not huge amounts of chemically processed polyunsaturated omega 6 oils(including margarine) containing trans fat which is undoubtedy bad for our health. But people believed all the hype about saturated fats==heart disease in the early 1970s. That was about 40 years ago and everyone has since been converted to eating veg oils while avoiding all saturated fats. So the con worked. Have the heart disease figures gone down? Nope, they've gone logarithmic and people are still consuming these highly processed veg oils. Heart disease is still the biggest killer today.

If you're having problems with your raw veg food diet here are some things you could do to help:

* Chew your food well. It's not easy for the stomach acid or enzymes to physically break down the rigidity that is imparted by cellulose in plants. This is made worse because human digestion simply cannot digest cellulose.

* Buy a veg juicer if you can and use that to help your body cope with the digestion. Using a juicer for your veg would certainly help to break up the cellulose for easier digestion of the vegetable nutrients in a more liquid form.

If you're worried about the bad bacteria on the raw vegetables then, as Ted suggests, just add a capful of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water and soak all the veg in it for a few minutes. This will kill all pathogens and will also help to neutralize any residual pesticide poisons on the outside of the vegetables.

As regards eating home fermented food -- I'm going with Ted on this. If you have candida then you should avoid all fermented foods because they are acidic and they contain yeast. My own view about good bacteria or lactobacillus is that if you take lacto for serious candida issues then its rather like the the story of The 300 Spartans of Thermopylae. They put up a grand fight against 100, 000 Persians but in the end they were all killed to a man. Same story with lacto and candida. Candida will win simply because of their vast numbers in the body. I have also looked at thousands of testimonials where many used pro- and pre-biotics which did little or nothing against the serious candida in their intestines or body. I have never yet read one story where taking just fermented products or lacto actually completely cured candida in anyone.

I would probably also agree with you that the protocol that I advise is complex. But, they way I see it, you need to use a multi-protocol against such a clever and complicated disease like candida. It's also my view that you will never defeat serious candida problems by just taking a single remedy protocol. I'm talking about a cure here and not just managing symptoms.

Recently I brought out an update to the candida protocol which I wrote to help clarify the protocol and make it easier for people to to understand. See this link. If you are finding it difficult because of work, then try and arrange your protocols so that you take the remedies first thing in the morning before work and in the evening when you get home.

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Replied by Bee (New York) on 02/23/2015

Hi Bill thank you for the informative post.

I have been mostly vegetarian for many years but I do eat fish also and eggs and yet yes I was missing many amino acids so I have to supplement with Taurine , L carnitine .. its strange because I do not like red meat or chicken or liver ..

I read labels and most of my food is organic .. I know I do not get enough good fats but I do eat some raw nuts and a few things but its probably not enough.. I also don't do GMO ....

I have read Gerson therapy and have heard of people drinking bovine drink.. and it didn't sound too appealing..

What confuses me is that Dr. Dean Ornish puts his cardiac patients on a plant based diet with no meat at all where Dr. Mercola says eat meats and veggies.. and there are so many conflicting reports.. so confusing . Thank You.


Replied by Lili (Usa) on 02/23/2015

I agree. A lot of supercentenarians were meat eaters but they seemed to eat smaller amounts and farm grades of meat vs the big servings of factory farmed meats in the USA. There are a few cases of vegan or vegetarian supercentenarians. Whatever works for people and makes them feel the best. Also when I read deeper in the study of the Okinawans many were bed-bound. If I live super long I want to be mobile like 113 year old Bernando Lapallo (he happens to be a vegan).

Replied by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 02/23/2015

I heard that Okinawians also have the habit of eating and stopping when they feel they are around 70% full.

They also use saturated animal fats for cooking. Some research shows that saturated fats and coconut oil are healthier than olive oil.


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