Has very painful tooth infection

Posted By Ladybutterfly011 (Queens, Ny) on 01/26/2015

I have been reading about other people's experiences with tooth infections. I am in a great deal of pain although I just completed a round of antibiotics. Motrin 800 is useless right now. I'm scheduled for a root canal in a few days but I'm not sure it will even be able to be done. I'm certain the infection is in my sinus now and I have constant pain in my temple. I do nor see or feel any lumps in my mouth. All I have in the house is chopped garlic in a jar; no raw garlic. I also have peroxide and black tea bags. I do not have any coconut oil or apple cider vinegar (Other suggestions I've seen). Anyone have some advice on where I should begin to try to ease this pain?

Thank you for your time


Replied by Myway (Delaware, Usa) on 01/27/2015

Lady, try the following with what you have.

1. Rinse/Swish your mouth with water

2. Take about a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon of filtered water in a small glass. Mix. Swish in mouth for 1 minute particularly at the location of the affected tooth.

3. Don't eat/drink anything for one hour.

4. After one hour, take some virgin organic coconut oil or sesame oil and oil pull for about if you are a novice to oil pulling. Following the oil pulling directions on this site. This will help to alleviate the infection from the site.

Lastly, consider clearing up that infection in your mouth before you let a dentist perform any kind of procedure on you. Infections and dental work don't mix. I see that you live in Queens, NY - I am sure there is a shop around you were you can find some black seed oil (Nigella Sativa). Take 1 tsp in am and 1 tsp in pm...until the infection is gone.

All the best!




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