Has horrible sinusitis bad breath

Posted By Chrty (Bohol, 3600) on 09/01/2012

hi please help me, I do have sinusitis, it's so horrible, I admit I do have bad breath, with this sinus, even my dentist told me that I have a good teeth, but howcome, I do have a bb, and I went to EENT doc, but then he just gave me an antibiotics, nasal spray, but still not working, I do have bb with this sinus sue to the mucus in the throat, how can I treat this? suggestion pls, it sucks ;(

Replied by Bev (Mckinney, Tx) on 11/05/2012

I have chronic sinuitis. I am miserable 80% of the time. Something has happened recently that had improved my sinuses greatly. I cannot figure out what or why. The only thing I have done differently is I started drinking 5 hour energy drinks every few days because I have a stressful job. I cannot see how this would make a difference but am wondering if all the b vitamins might be the answer............ I know drinking these often are bad for you so am continuing research. I even went to a moldy old courthouse/post office that was turned into a museum and did not have any side affects. The basement was horrible...

Replied by Wendy (Columbus, Oh/usa) on 11/06/2012

Energy drinks wreak havoc on your kidneys! Especially if you're drinking more than 1 on many days of the week! People have died from over-drinking this junk!

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