Has both cerebral palsy and acid reflux

Posted By Richcp (Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom) on 05/18/2012

Hi to all. I am 41 with spastic cerebral palsy. I have been struggling with shoulder and back pain due to my spasticity and tenseness in my muscles. I have also been getting a lot of tightness in my stomach. It feels like Acid Reflux but not sure. Does anyone know of any remedies that would help my condition. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Replied by Pumpkin (Owasso, Ok) on 06/15/2012

I know it sounds simple, but eat bananas. 1-2 a day if it's that bad. My pain has gotten worse over the years, and one time at work it hurt so bad I could hardly walk. My friend/co-worker sat me down, went and bought me some bananas and had me eat them. I didn't think it would do anything. Since medicines don't, why would a fruit? But, in about an hour to an hour and a half, I was perfectly fine!!! Now, I'm married, and my husband tries to make sure we always have bananas around. Whenever I don't eat any for awhile, I start hurting. It basically reminds me "Oh, yeah. You need bananas." I hope this helps!! Good luck!!!

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