Hard living with epilepsy

Posted By Karen (Allenstown, New Hampshire, United States) on 12/27/2012

Hi Ted, Do you think you could honestly help me? These doctors that put me on medicine all my life and tell me that I can't do things I enjoy doing and yet, I just end up ignoring them because they have NO clue to enjoy life. Except for the part that I was 13 years old to tell me don't get your hopes up to have a kid anytime soon. I can't ever have the chance to drive because.. When I see those cop cars, disco lights, anything that flashes too fast and colorful I just stare, stand there, and than fall down. Sometimes I get mad for no apparent reason and after I throw a fit, I forget why I was mad. Than I consistantly sleep let's say, 20 hours. Sometimes more. I was born with them, I honestly think.. These won't ever go away.

I don't drink soda anymore, stopped a good 2 almost 3 years ago. Junk food is pretty much gone for me, until I feel like wanting some. I have the petite seizures and this doctor thinks I have monthly seizures, becuase I usually get one when I'm around my monthly. Stress also brings them on. If I'm really worried about something, let's say homework, I have 3 papers due, 1 due on Friday, next due on like tomorrow and the other due on Wednesday. I'll start getting myself worked up plus like other things on my mind. I take topiramate 8 25 MG Capsules and their sprinkles because I can't swallow pills. I tried, everytime I do, end up getting choked. I'm turning twenty next year and I'm really sick of all this. I would really appreciate you if you could help me please and Thank you.


Replied by Ed2010 (Oakville, Canada) on 12/27/2012

In India or at least in my province, what we do is whenever a person is suddenly getting an epilepsy attack. We give a nice iron rod or atleast 6 inch door key made of iron and make the person hold it for some time till the epilepsy gets under control. This works to control the episode of epilepsy attack.

What I recommend is, wear a thick chain made of cast iron, or a thick bracelet made of iron. This will definitely control the frequency of epilepsy. And along with this you can try other natural medicines. good health


Replied by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 12/27/2012

I am not Ted but I outgrew childhood epilepsy and here's how.

Remove the stimulus that is causing seizures (MSG in vaccines and food, aspartame, and whatever you know bothers you). For some, it is even food coloring!

Consider supplementing magnesium. I didn't do this until mine was well under control, but read it is of great assistance for that.

Get your doc to taper down your meds one increment at a time. At one point I was on high doses 3x a day of at least 6 different anticonvulsants. Doc gradually lowered dose of one at a time and monitored behaviors and levels, successfully, til finally I had nothing left to take. This took about 10 years, it is not an overnight process. Prior to doing this, I spent A LOT of time in the hospital, believe me. Many of the meds I took are available as generics now.

Consider a ketogenic diet. My mom said it didn't work for me but I believe they didn't try it for long enough.

Strangely enough, mine completely stopped with head trauma (dont do this on purpose!! ) in a car accident. It is well known in the field of neurology that trauma instigates repair. I also cracked my pelvis in that accident, and was told I wouldn't ever have kids, or live past 21. I am double that age now, with kids. When I first got old enough to drive, I had to have "support", in other words just could not drive alone, like a permit driver had to have someone with me. Then that restriction fell off my license with no comotion.

I drive, have a graduate degree, and two KIDS! with no known defects. I waited til 5 years off the meds to have my kids. If I can do it, you can *hugs*.

I just thank my mom, and thank god, for insisting surgery was not necesary, because it is not.


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