Spleen Removed Decades Ago, Now Graves Disease With Major Health Issues

Posted By Ray (Australia ) on 04/16/2017

Graves' disease with spleen removed 36 years ago

Hi, I have a major health problem and any advice would be of benefit, when I was 11 y/o I had 3 ribs broken and my spleen was removed now 48 I was diagnosed with Graves' disease had surgery on my left eye to remove swollen tissue but now the last couple of weeks have been waking up with my lower neck really hot, I am on thyroxine 200 mcg 5 days 100 mcg 2 days a week, a lot of stress at the moment in my life and 250 mg amoxicillin daily for 17 years any advice would be good my white cell count is really high I have read up a lot and hear from others no to radiation treatment

please help thanks


Replied by John W. (Scotland) on 07/05/2017


I have had graves disease for 3 years now and my levels are still not stable enough to come of medication yet, however, I also had my spleen removed 33 yes ago. Coincidence or related?. Would love to talk more as I have spent ages looking for a link or if anyone else had the same effect.


Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 04/18/2017

Dear Ray,

I am glad that you mentioned that you are a reader. I am going to give you a few ideas to start but think you will want to continue to read and try different things to see what makes you feel the best.

I assume the antibiotics you take are because you are missing your spleen (and the spleen helps to fight infection?) Do you take probiotics to replace the good bacteria that the antibiotics kill? Milk kefir would be my first choice if you are not already doing a probiotic.

The spleen filters the blood. But there are herbs that can help purify the blood. Burdock root is one and it has a cooling effect I believe. It is easy to take in capsules. Nettle leaf is another great blood purifier. It can be taken in capsules or as a tea.

For the heat on your lower neck I would consider castor oil, topically at bedtime. Castor oil reduces inflammation and has a cooling effect. My only check against this is that you say your white blood cell count is high and I believe castor oil can stimulate the production of white blood cells.

For your stress, if you can take Epsom salt baths in the evening it may be helpful. If that is not possible, a magnesium supplement may help your stress.

I hope these ideas will get you started in feeling better! Please keep us posted on your progress.

~Mama to Many~

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