Graves disease and eye problems

Posted By Chris (Wichita, Ks) on 12/22/2014

I am very thankful to have found this site. I was diagnosed with Graves disease in 2012.

Had weight loss, irritability, anxiety. Just thought I was working too much. The funny thing is some of these symptoms I have had for years. Heart palpitations, tiredness, anxiety. Each time I asked if it could be my thyroid my GP wasn't concerned. It wasn't until I had dropped 20 pound in 3 months and my legs and feet were cramping so badly I couldn't sleep at night did he suggest testing my thyroid levels. Yep, there I was, full blown Graves. Put me on one of the suppressant drugs and set me up with an endo but went into thyroid storm anyway. God bless the ER Dr., he nailed it and got me under control immediately.

Then off to the endo who promptly said, I'm setting you up to swallow a pill that will kill off your thyroid and after that you will just take a pill the rest of your life. easy peasy.

Not knowing I had other choices, I was a lamb to the slaughter.

Here we are in 2014. February-red eyes, swollen conjuctiva. Diagnosed with allergies. March left eye-lid drooped- scanned for stroke. Droop improved over the next couple of months but redness and conjunctivitis continued. Eye Dr sent me back to GP to have allergy tests done. He took one look at me and said "you look like you have a touch of TED" What when how? I'm still a little angry that no one told me about the possibility of this. Mostly at myself for not educating myself.

OK so now a new eye md, steroid treatments or radiation and surgery this and surgery that and freakin out! New plan, self help. I don't understand the slash and burn mentality of the mainstream medical community, but fool me once.

So thank you for your information, your posts and your courage. I no longer feel so powerless. Next time a Dr. informs me it's his way or the highway, well these boots are made for walkin. LOL!



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