Got infected with hiv and hcv

Posted By Ausfag (Moscow) on 08/13/2012

I got infected with hiv and hcv on the 18TH of may and since then, I have not taking any medication. The symptoms I have been having is change in stool colour and loss of weight. I would want to know if there is any supplement I can use at this early stage. I will appreciate early response.

Replied by Janice (Niceville, Fl) on 08/14/2012

There is a product called Miracle Mineral Solution. From what I understand it will cure your problems. At least I have read testimonies to that fact as I have not had that problem myself but have used it for other issues. There are also utube videos & Jim Humble has a book out on this product.

Replied by Lindsay (Koh Samui, Thailand) on 04/01/2013

One thing for starters would be to build up your immune system with a healthy diet of fresh veg nuts seeds flaxseed Oil, Coconut Oil, and eliminate all processed, fried, and sweet foods. Freshly made veg juice is a great way to nourish your body.

Also take a few tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda a day ... Mixed with whatever liquid you need to get it down( water or carrot juice works for me )..... This will help to alkalise your body which is v impt in fighting the virus'. For your hep C Selenium and Milk Thistle and Aplha Lipoic Acid have had good results. Do some googling for dosages and testimonials.

This is all my laymans' advice - for more specific advice Ted is a good source... as is this website.

Best of luck.


Replied by Murg (Central Usa) on 12/03/2013

You might be interested to look into something called GcMAF. Cancer, HIV, viruses, and harmful bacteria produce an enzyme called nagalase which destroys the Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDP). Vitamin D activates hundreds of human genes and primes our immune system to kill infections and cancer, but only with the help of VDP. GcMAF injections and/or the probiotic yogurt made from formula MAF314 or formula MAF878 supposedly activate the macrophages and ultimately eliminate production of nagalase. Dr Marco Ruggieros pioneered MAF341 and Dr. Enland is a source of MAF878 culture starter on eBay from what I understand. There was supposed to be a Canadian study using GcMAF.

Replied by Prioris (Fl) on 12/03/2013

Check out: My own study of the issue is that people who died in the US around the 80s were mostly a victim of an intentionally tainted Hepatitis B vaccine. This could be confirmed but the govt refuse to release the names of the victims who got vaccine and what they ultimately died of. They did admit that 67% of those vaccinated got AIDS and that was mid 80s but shut up after that. That itself is damning. There is lots of disinformation with health issues.
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