Gallstones with no gallbladder help requested

Posted By Tasha (Springfield, Usa) on 12/12/2009

re: gall stones with no gallbladder

I have read all the posts on gallstones and the flushes, but my story is a bit different and i am in desperate need of help. 2 years ago i had my gallbladder removed because of stones. within 3 months the pains were back and i have 2 stones lodged in my common bile duct. The pains are unbearable and i have just dealt with them for almost 2 years now. I have seen a doctor they did a MRI and that is how they found the stones in my bile duct. they want to go in and take them out by putting a tube down my throat and making a cut in my bile duct, but i am weary of having this procedure done. My question is, is their a way of getting them out without the surgeries and will it be safe? The doctors said they are very close to my pancreas and it can cause pancreatitis and liver disease if i keep putting off having them removed, i am just done with dealing with this pain i am only 29 years old and the pains feel like im giving birth.The pains are now coming more often and lasting longer than they have before, and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the wonderful site earth clinic


Replied by Elisabeth (Malmö, Sweden) on 12/13/2009

You could try the herb Chanca piedra, also known as Stone breaker. Available in tablets and as tea. I don't know if one is to prefer over the other. Maybe someone else on the forum would know. You will get a lot of information if you google it. Best wishes

Replied by Phil (Dearing, Ga) on 12/13/2009

Hello Tasha. My wife had her gallbladder removed and she will get these very bad pains and nausea from time to time. What we have had sucess with, as far as the pain and nausea go. We use one glass ( 8oz ) of room tenperture apple juice with a shot glass or 2 tablespoons of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Mix and drink. Her pain goes away completly in 30 minutes and she will start to feel better within just a few minutes of drinking this.

I DO NOT know if this disolves the stones or not, but the pain does stop for her every time, so far! In some of my research, I DO remember it being stated that the apple juice helps soften the stones.

I have read alot on gallbladder/liver cleanses and it seems, that people who's gallbladders have already been removed still develope stones in thier BILE DUCTS...So one of the key ingredants in a CLEANSE is lots of APPLE JUICE about 3 days before the cleanse. and then there are some other things one must do...EPSOM SALT and OLIVE OIL, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ( FRESHLY SQUEEZED ).

I can't give you the step by step details of this, because I can't remember them in full, but if you do some research on here and on other websites...You should find the cleanse that would best suite you...SO just do some research and good luck, DON"T FORGET TO USE GOOGLE, I am able to find out almost anything using it.


Replied by Carolyn (Hobbs, Nm Usa) on 12/13/2009

Response from Tasha: Tasha, the _____ Apple Cider Vinegar book has a great gallbladder and liver cleanse in it. It flushes the liver and gallbladder. I surely would try a flush before you do what that doctor wants to do. My niece had that done and she ended up in the hospital for 3 months with Pancreatitis. At least get a different opinion from another doctor. I can't even tell you what the doctors have done to me and now I only do the natural cures. God bless and good luck. Carolyn

Replied by Celteyes (Pearland, Texas) on 12/13/2009

I would recommend anyone with gallbladder problems to do the cleanse. In 2000 before I ever knew anything about natural medicine. I had a gallbladder attack and let them put me in the hospital and remove it. Before they did that they gave me a test that caused dye to go into my pancreas. I almost died. Literally. My doctor was white with nerves everytime he came to see me. Kept apologizing profusely. I had never been so sick in my life. Was in the hospital a month. Thankfully I finally got well but never had the brains to investigate natural medicine until diagnosed with breast cancer the next year.

Hey folks you can't improve on God's creation. Everything we need is in nature. Well...I guess if I broke a bone I would let an M.D. set it! hee hee


Replied by Tasha (Springfield, Usa) on 12/15/2009

i may have been a little unclear on my question. So these cleanses are safe for me to do even if the stones are in my bile duct? my worry is if i do the cleanse where are these gallstones going to go, hopefully not to my pancreas and yes they want to do the procedure right away and use the dye that can cause pancreaitis. i was suppose to have it done Dec. 2 but when i got their to register i found that my insurance was cancelled due to my husband being laid off work but the doctor keeps calling me to reschedule. i just want these things gone. But if these cleanses are safe for me to do without haveing a gall bladder then it is worth a try. thanks for all the feedback, Tasha

Replied by Carolyn (Hobbs, Nm, Usa) on 12/16/2009

Tasha, the stones will go into your stomach and you may even see them in your stool when they leave your body. They will not go into your pancreas. Try the cleanse. What have you got to loose. You may save yourself from that surgery and a lot more issues after the surgery. It surely won't hurt you to try. Good luck and God Bless. Carolyn

Replied by Tasha (Ohio, Usa) on 12/31/2009

Thanks for all the feedback, but just wanted to give an update on my gallstones that are stuck in my bile duct. I did the epsom salt, olive oil and lemon juice flush and had no luck, i hear you sometimes have to do it more than once but i personally do not think i will ever be able to drink any of that stuff again it was absolutely horrible i bearly got it down, but i will try some other things that are mentioned,if any thing works i will post another update.

Replied by Debra (Marengo, In) on 01/13/2010

I also detest the stuff but have found grapefruit mixes well with the olive oil, shake up good and use a straw to drink it down. Do it quick and this helps

Replied by Vivi (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/30/2010

First time I did the liver flush with olive oil and lemon juice, I added some salt to the mixture, and shake it well. Salt changes taste of the liquid. I make my own salad dressing with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and some herbs, with less of olive oil. Try a few times to make a dressing like that and see if you tolerate it. Later on you may better accept the liver flush olive oil shake.

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