What Remedies Can Help Serious Fungal Infection That Has Spread to Eye?

Posted By Kanwaljit (San Jose Ca) on 02/26/2016

Hi, my baby cousin(13 years old) in india got fungus under one of his cheek, his cheek looked little swollen at that time and doctors found out that it is a fungus and after few month it was so bad he couldn't ever open his mouth and doctor removed fungus with surgery it was in 2012. Now fungus is grown so bad one of his eye on the same side is about to pop out and doctors have tried their best and they have given him more than 1000gms of fungus killer in IV but nothing changed and medicine effected his liver so bandy that he wants to die now.... Doctors almost gave up on him now... Please help me if u have any idea what should we do... Thanks

Replied by Ben Gauthier (Bremerton, Washington ) on 02/27/2016

This sounds very serious. You need to work closely with your doctor on this one. Make sure he runs a culture and tests it to determine the exact organism / organisms involved. Chances are the antifungals are not being effective on this particular strain therefore identification is very important. You must do your part by not eating even the tiniest bit of sugar as it will feed the organism. An antifungal / antiviral diet would be a great idea . Its always best to treat an illness both internally and externally. You need experts working on this one .

Things to consider are colloidal silver by injection near the site. Colloidal silver bath , hypochlorous acid is extremely powerful , do some research on that one as it is not familiar to most doctors. The most effective way is to absorb the hypochlorus acid from sitting in a bath tub with it added to the water .a source of hypochlorus acid is called MMS2. See a naturopath for info on that one . Transdermal MMS might help immensely. You mix that with DMSO and apply topically. Tea tree oil can absorb thru the skin and is super powerful at killing fungus but keep it away from sensitive areas . Borax is an extremely powerful fungus killer even at very low dosages and is safe to ingest. It used to be a common food preservative years ago. Common table salt is twice as toxic as borax and most people are boron deficent as evidenced by very high arthritis rates from crops raised in boron depleted soil.where boron in soil is high people dont have arthritis as a general rule . borax is the pure mineral source for boron. See walter last /borax conspiracy for details.

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