Foods That Can Help Macrocytosis (Enlargement of Red Blood Cells)?

Posted By Taniamama (Twisp, Wa) on 08/17/2018

I have been diagnosed as having macrocytosis. I struggle with muscle weakness, heart palpitations, depression, and occasional numbness in my hands. After years and years of pursuing different doctors, I finally found an herbalist who was able to come up with this diagnosis which makes a lot of sense. I have a gene mutation which doesn't allow me to process vitamin b12 so I have to take b12 as hydroxocobalamin. He has told me to increase my intake of calories an additional 250 calories a day. Also has me on an herbal tincture which has lavender, orange peel, angelica, and wormwood. I am here to ask the community if there are any foods that I could be eating to help my blood heal and rebuild? I avoid gluten and am working on increasing my red meat consumption.

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