Foods for flea bite prevention on humans

Posted By Oceanman58 (Los Alamitos, CA) on 04/04/2014

Does anybody, especially from other countries know of foods to add to your diet to prevent getting bit by fleas? I, unfortunately, have that system that has always attracted fleas. My dog is flea free but when taking her for a walk, I can get bit and bit..Here is a list of things I have tried that have not worked....Garlic cloves and supplements, B1, ACV internally, eradicating sweets from diet, tea tree oil spray on clothes, lavender oil spray on clothes, ACV spray on clothes, a combination of these things.. If someone knows that right vegetable or fruit and/or combo, thank you thank you thank you!!!
EC: Brewer's yeast was recommended as a preventative for black flies.  Do not know if it would work with fleas.


Replied by Mike62 (Denver, CO) on 04/04/2014

Oceanman58: Wondercide.

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