Flu and Sore Throat for Over 2 Weeks

Posted By Gene (Gatineau, QC, Canada) on 05/10/2008

Hi. I've been stuck with a flu and a sore throat for over 2 weeks and I suspect that my immune system is low. I've started to do internet research on natural cures but it seems that everything I encounter that might be of help, I also find another site that contradicts the product's claim for healing properties. For example, quite a lot of posts on this site praise ACV for quite a few ailments. I wished to try it out then after more research, I came across this article by Beth Fontenot, who is a nutrition consultant and freelance nutrition writer in Lake Charles, LA. She serves on the adjunct faculty at both McNeese State University in Lake Charles and Lamar University in Qrange, TX. who claims: "There is no scientific evidence that apple cider vinegar has any medicinal properties. While the folksy anecdotes from those who claim to have benefited from apple cider vinegar tonics may be amusing to read, they are simply that -- anecdotes."

"Apple cider vinegar is anything but a storehouse of nutrients. A nutritional analysis of one tablespoon (more than the one or two teaspoons suggested to make a tonic) reveals that the golden liquid contains less than a ram of carbohydrate: minuscule amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium. copper, manganese, and phosphorus; and a mere 15 mg of potassium. The fiber, vitamin, and amino acid content is zero."

"As for the presence of any beneficial enzymes in apple cider vinegar or the "mother," food scientists doubt that any could thrive in the acid environment of the vinegar. Assuming any were present, though, they would be destroyed in the acid of the stomach when consumed and be of no use to the body."

Unfortunately, this is one of many examples of contradictions I've come across for just about any herb, spice, juice, etc. I would like to try.

In conclusion, I wish there were sites that agree on the healing properties of certain natural products but it seems to be quite a controversial issue.

Meanwhile, I'm still stuck off and on with the flu (tried the Cayenne concoction but it interfered with my anti-seizures (epilepsy) drug), I'm drinking green tea (found contradictions for that one too), purchased a bottle of high-quality Spirulina which is still unopened on account of certain warnings I found, etc.

So, any suggestions? Please don't tell me I should see a doctor, I'll only end-up with antibiotics that do more harm than good.. Thanks, Gene.


Replied by B (Elkland, Mo) on 09/04/2009

Food grade hydrogen peroxide therapy. Lookit up, works for a lot of things. really works great. Buy at health food store.

Replied by Shanade21 (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 10/12/2012

Have you tried kombucha tea? Very high in probiotics which is good for your imune system. Has ohter benefits as well such as protecting your body from cancer etc. The only thing you need to be careful of is that it can thin your blood so be careful about that. Other than that it is a super product and can be bought in health food stores, organic supermarkets etc. You can also learn to make it yourself. Just google "How to make Kombucha tea." Worth while. Hope you get better.

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