Female in 30s with excessive body hair

Posted By Absa (Salmiya, Hawally, Kuwait) on 01/04/2013

hello all, I am a female in mid twenties and I have hair everywhere on my body. Its so disgusting to eyes and waxing just makes them come back coarser and even more black, I cant have laser done on full body. I tried asking my dermatologist and she just said that its genetic... anybody know a natural remedy for it?

Replied by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 01/05/2013

Hi Absa, It would seem that you have excess male hormones, so have your hormones checked bcause excess male hormones can lead to the kind of problems you are experiencing. Do you tend to be aggresive?

Replied by Absa (Hawally, Kuwait) on 01/05/2013

yeah I had them checked.. But all normal.... No I am not very aggressive but this problem makes me now.

Replied by Mt (Ottawa, On Canada) on 01/06/2013

According to Maria Treben the extra hair points to kidney disorder. She is recommending a course of Stinging Nettle tea, 3 to 4 cups throughout the day and Horsetail sitz bath daily. To thin the hair, Celandine juice is dabbed on the affected area and is left for a few hours, then washed and the dried skin is treated with Calendula ointment or Camomile oil.

Replied by Absa (Hawally, Kuwait) on 01/08/2013

Does Ted offer any remedy excessive body hair on female that just grow coarser and coarser without any permanent solution? Thank you.

Replied by Absaaa (Hawally, Kuwait) on 01/10/2013

If asking any question from Ted do we have to write here on any other sperate address. thanks

EC: Best if you email Ted directly: [email protected] with any questions.


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