Feedback needed from cancer survivors

Posted By Petunia (Warrenton, Or, United States) on 04/04/2012

Good Morning, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last week and am in the horrible waiting period before surgery and the more specific details.

Of course, one of the first places I went for self education was Earth Clinic. But I feel I have almost too much information; Ted has posted regarding cancer for years and honestly I am confused (and probably not thinking at my best right now) over some of his remedies. Has anyone ever sorted through the years of posts on cancer and come up with a short version? A couple of things I did pick up NO SUGARS and NO CALCIUM ( and I had been so good about taking calcium supplements, ugh ;(. I'm 69.

I read in one of my health books not to take vitamins with iron in them.... anyone know about this?

I look forward to hearing comments from other cancer survivors.


Replied by Heather (Leicester) on 04/04/2012

Hi, basically Ted recommends measuring your glucose levels 1 hour after eating with a glucose metre to ensure it is no more that 90. To achieve this most people have a vegetarian diet with a little fish. In this way the cancer is deprived of the sugar that makes it grow. He specifically says no fruits due to fructose sugar, apart from perhaps green apples. No milk products for breast cancer patients in particular. He also recommends no morphine. I am sure he prefers no chemo or radiation at all just natural medicine. Then you should go to the breast cancer remedies question and answer page. I remember there is lots of useful information there for example you will read how iodine could cure breast cancer and broccoli too among lots of other information. Often breast cancer is oestrogen dependent so look at the hormone balance section too. A book worth reading on this subject is written by an English scientist called Dr Jane Plant ' Your life in your Hands' she had breast cancer 5 times and cured herself and is still fine 20 odd years later. Good Luck and remember you are not alone x

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 04/04/2012

Petunia, if you do anything it is lots of green smoothies/juices. Also add to them chlorella and spirulina. I would stay away from iron (and do). Iron in plant form is ok but a lot of supplements have inorganic iron. Stay away from processed foods, all surgar (including all sodas). Even just drinking wheatgrass and nothing else (even eating) is beneficial because it contains B17 and it is a "whole food". It will supply most vitamins and minerals. Dr Ann Wigmore cured her body of cancer by drinking just wheatgrass juice. You can google her and there may be videos on youtube of her.

Tea made from herbs is very beneficial. Google Dr. John Christopher and his excellent book on Natural Healing. It is on amazon.

Good luck and best wishes.


Replied by Bonnie (Inland Empire, Ca. United States) on 04/04/2012

It is very frightening to be told you have breast cancer. I never thought I would get it but I did.

I was 58 years old.

I chose to have my right breast removed because my aunt had breast cancer. She went though the 5 year safe period but due to extreme stress in her life I believe the cancer returned. She was 76. She chose the lumpectomy because she was into what people think, I'm not.

I happen to breeze though surgery and this was no different. To me the only thing that was uncomfortable was the draining tube after surgery. Actually in my case the surgery was not painful! It really wasn't for me and another woman I spoke to! I didn't even bother to go to rehab as I breezed though the entire process and could use my arm.

I later was told my cancer was feeding on my ESTROGEN. So I am taking the steriod EXEMESTANE 25 mg daily to ward off estrogen. I am having no problem with it. (no moustache no big muscles) LOL I must take this steroid for 5 years.

A third lab test on my lymph nodes sadly showed I had a trace of cancer cells in my lymph node so I had to go though chemo. The first dose of chemotherapy was not fun but I got though it and the rest of my doses were not that bad in my case. If you must have chemo please drink about 6 to 8 glasses of water a day! This will help you get though chemo easier! And don't slack.

I am fine today 3 years later and My last mammogram was negative! :)

I never ate very healthy foods until now. I now drink fresh fruit and veggie juice from my own juicer about 5 glasses day. No store bought juice. Nothing but dead vitamins in that and too much sugar. If you fresh juice you must drink it within a hour to get the vitamins!

I also eat plenty of salads with colorful veggies! I no longer drink soft drinks but usually water with some lemon juice squeezed in.

I was also addicted to sugar---not good. Still trying to wean myself off of sugar. Eating blueberries helps!

I am doing really well now!


Replied by Che (Roxas City, Capiz) on 04/04/2012

No sugar and calcium for those having cancer I've read that also in an article. I can't exatcly remember the name of a person who reversed his stage 4 cancer by twice a day, he consumed this stuff for his sandwich. 2cloves of garlic, 2pcs of habanero pepper, butter. I'l try to locate his name then post it here.

Replied by Patricia (Knoxville, Tn ) on 04/04/2012

Petunia in Or. Eat no white flour, red meat, sugar, processed food or fast food. Eat from the cancer diet. Order organic essiac tea, brew as directed. Carefully pour into a clean bottle leaving the sediment behind. There are many choices of essiac tea. I used the one with only the four herbs... Burdock root, sheep sorrel, rhubarb root and slippery elm. Some have a few other herbs added to these. I drank it morning and evening on an empty stomach. Two oz essiac added to two oz boiled spring water. I found the taste benign and easy to sip.

Read this site: Read about raw food and juicing. Pancreatic enzymes are necessary and high vit C. Do colonics to rapidly remove toxins as you eat and juice correctly. There are other good books on what to do with cancer. Take a deep breath and become centered. Change your diet now and start reading.

What will help you the most is a holistic doctor to guide you. The NW is a holistic mecca with many enlightened practitioners. I lived in Kirkland, Wa. A little over 20 years ago and was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was around wonderful people who taught me so much. Seattle area had several well known medical doctors who realized alternative was the answer and they became holistic. I had a famous naturalpath (sp) who educated me on nail polish... A big NO. It had to go as well as all the chemicals in my house under the sinks. Make-up, shampoo, toothpaste, moisture lotion, deodorant had to be changed. Be careful... just because it is in a health food store does not mean it is ok.

Read all your labels. Eliminate all products with toxic solvents: Proplyparabens (any chemical with "prop" in the name) also "methyl", " butyl", ethyl. Rarely appearing on labels benzene, toluene, styrene, xylene, etc. Sources are Vaseline, Jell-o, candy throat lozenges and many others. This is from an old list given to me all those years ago. I would imagine these things are still out there. I use none of them.

I have a friend who lives in Tacoma. She became ill and did surgery, and chemo. She refused radiation as by then she knew what I had done and she was reading and learning. It clicked with her! The doctor became angry over her denial of radiation and told her to go home and get her affairs in order as she was stage 4 anyway. She is alive and cancer free and that was 22 years ago. My friend went to my doctor and changed her whole life just as I did.

We went to a macrobiotic dinner in Seattle prepared by students of Michio Kushi. His book on macrobiotics was on our reading list. There is a lot of information out there and it can be confusing especially when the brain is rattled over what has happened to your body. I read Ann Wigmore's book to learn about foods, juicing. Read about her on the internet.

Petunia, I hope this helps you. Again, find a holistic doctor to guide you. There is one in Kent, Wa. , I believe, if he has not retired. Mine was in his 70's long ago and in Bellevue, Wa. I am sure he is gone now. There has to be a comprehensive health food store near you with people who know who is good in Or. Thinking of you. Patricia

I was in my mid 40's and I am now 67. My friend is 63 and she was in her 40's. I did not do any of the standard Western treatment. I detoxed, built my immune system and dumped all chemicals and went totally organic. I also juiced and gave up wine and coffee while I was healing myself. Now, I have a wine or coffee in moderation. My body feels bad if I eat sugar so I am rarely tempted. I am never sick now with anything.


Replied by Kat (Comox, Bc ) on 04/05/2012

I really admire you, I have breast cancer as well I had the lump removed and developed a large lymph node same side as surgery was done, this was may of 2011. The new lump formed end of Oct 2011. I am doing homeopathic and TCM along with teas from a old Chinese Dr. So far the lump got really big and now it seems to be getting smaller, I did go to the Cancer clinic and was told to get a biopsy which I declined also was requested a Ct scan / bone scan both of which I decided not to go through with becasue of the toxic side effects, I have managed to find a Dr who supports my choices , Although a GP has their hands tied as to how often a ultra sound can be done and blood work, so that is why I went to the Cancer clinic as they seem to have more power, I am not being a hero by all means and some days really question myself, so far I feel great and exersice run 2 k a day most days, do yoga and eat organic as much as I can- very little for meat and fat, cut out all surgars and read labels. What tests did you get done to help determine if your cancer spread? thanks Kat

Replied by Kat (Comox, Bc ) on 04/05/2012

Where do you get your Rhubarb root from? Does it have another name?? I am dealing with breast cancer as have chosen no therapy other then Chinese herbs / teas and homeopathic, no sugars as well, and orgainc most of the time. thanks, Kat

Replied by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 04/05/2012

Hi Kat, Great, if you have chosen against the radiation and chemotherapy. I would like to suggest to you to have a look on Dr. Budwig's Protocol. Her success rate has been very high. Good Luck, Baldev

Replied by Heather (Leicester) on 04/05/2012

Hi again, one interesting point on the book I recommended by Jane Plant "Your life in your Hands' was that not only did she have breast cancer 5 times but it had spread and she had radiotherapy and chemo. Because she is a scientist she researched lots of papers some of us would neither have access to nor understand and she mentioned natural foods and herbs to minimise the bad effects of these mainstream therapies should anyone make the decision to go down that route whatever type of cancer they have. I am not saying I would recommend or go for that choice myself but it is interesting reading and essential if you are going down the conventional route. Her research is impressive. However the key thing not mentioned is the glucose levels recommended by Ted.

Replied by Bonnie (Inland Empire, U.S. California) on 04/05/2012

Debbie, When I started having problems with tumors showing up on my breasts (some call it SHOOTING TUMORS) the first was a small tumor on my left breast and this turned out to be benign, it was removed with a Lumpectomy.

My husband and I were floored when I went back for another mammogram and a new tumor was found on my right breast! We couldn't believe it! It was like WHAT IS GOING ON?? I wasn't so lucky this time as they found I had cancer with this next tumor. I caught it early but cancer cells still managed to be found on my lymph node.

I had always had clear mammograms all my life. I had no idea at the time that using certain Juices helped with cancer or even with breast cancer. I had never heard about this. But people have been cured with natural foods. I was totally in the dark about this type of natural healing. One of my good friends told me to try Wheat grass juice. Instead I panicked due to my aunt dying from breast cancer. That is why I chose the surgery and chemotherapy.

When one is faced with this life shattering illness it is almost impossible to keep a clear head. Today I may have tried the Juicing and eating the right foods. This is a personal decision and a difficult one to make.

I only wish I had eaten fresh healthy natural foods all my life. It's such a shame our schools are not making a point of teaching the children good nutrition from Kindergarten on. But here in the U.S. It's always about what is best for the Corporations. Just my personal opinion.


Replied by Patricia (Knoxville, Tn ) on 04/05/2012

Kat, I purchased essiac tea which had the four herbs measured and pre-mixed according to the original Ojibway Indian, Rene Caisse formula. It is a dry mix to be brewed and information can be googled. Please go to Rene Caisse and read the history and where to get the mixture.

If you are asking me, and I am not sure you are... ??, I had blood tests (my blood counts were all wrong) by my holistic M.D. And a test called AMAS which showed cancer. A year later I tested again and both were normal. For me, I felt other tests were not necessary as I knew what I was doing would create the environment in my body for my immune system to do what it was designed to do.

I was bleeding from the nipple and I had a lump in my breast. Many, many, months after doing everything I listed in my previous post, my nipple became very large and hot and I panicked. I was in Japan and could not run to my doctor. Several days later when I returned to the U. S. , my nipple was normal and the lump was gone. Was this the end of my disease? It seems so and that is how it happened for me. Blood tests showed my counts had returned to normal health.

One thing I did not mentioned in my last post was my high dosage of vit C starting at 20,000 a day. I was so weak and ill that none of it came out in my urine nor was there a bowel reaction. I did this on my own as I was finding my way and learning and felt this could only help me. I asked my doctor if it was ok ( a little unsure still about my journey ). He said if the high amount is not coming out, then your body is using all of it. I tried 25, 000 and it showed up in my urine. I backed it back to 20,000 until it showed up and then I backed it down again and again. I now take 3,000 a day. ( Linus Pauling research )

I did go to an oncologist for an opinion. I still could not believe that I had cancer. He said he could save me with chemo and I fled his office. I watched so many friends with chemo and I knew that was not for me.

I don't know if I can name the juicer I used on this site. A friend found it at a garage sale for half its original price. It is a top brand. Research on google the many choices and look for mark downs at stores. There are many good ones. (pressing)? Do you mean for wheatgrass extraction? I only know of the wheatgrass grinder type with handle. I know that is valid and important for health, but I only did it much later at a clinic in Austin where I also had colonics with wheatgrass implants. I had been well many years by that time. Kat, don't do it sometimes or halfway even if you have doubts or have a moment where it is not convenient. Go 100% with your diet and de-tox. It is also wonderful that you exercise.

Raw foods and juicing should help the BP. Google chelation. You have a Chinese doctor, correct?


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 04/05/2012

Rene Caisse in her videos said that when the cancer was dying it always got bigger and hard before getting smaller.

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 04/05/2012

Dr. Brownstein in his book on Iodine says that Breast Cancer is caused by an iodine deficiency so I would suggest you buy some lugols iodine and I recommend you get a copy of his book.

Here is a link of the protocol and the companion nutrients you need to take with iodine.


Replied by Shortcake (New Cumberland, Pa) on 04/30/2012

Hi Petunia! I'm 38 years old, and a 4 year BC survivor. TURMERIC and GARLIC GARLIC GARLIC!! Here's a short version of my story. After BC treatment, I started taking two cloves of raw chopped garlic, a teaspoon of olive oil and a half teaspoon of turmeric all mixed up, every day. One year after BC, docs found a huge tumor wrapped around my ovary. They told me it looked like a recurrence and even started setting up chemo appointments again after surgery. Surgeon went in, took it out, along with both ovaries as a precaution, and voila! No cancer, final answer! Just a big fatty tumor. He was pretty surprised. I contribute that to my garlic ritual :)
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