Father Just Diagnosed With Pulmonary Fibrosis, Please Suggest Supplements

Posted By Sam (Atlanta, Georgia) on 03/11/2018

Pulmonary Fibrosis

My father is based out of India and has been diagnosed with initial stages of lung Fibrosis. However my father is based out of India, I am currently in USA and planning to travel soon to INDIA. He has been prescribed with pirfenex 200 mg to take 3 times a day. This will be followed by CT SCAN in another 15 days followed by pirfenex 200 mg(2 tabs 3 Times a day). I have the following questions if anyone can help -

1. I see that H2O2 being emerging as very positive in the discussion. How exactly I can start using it?

2. Exactly what Oil pulling is recommended and is it by nasal?

3. Is there Any Aloe Vera etc liquid I can recommend to use too?

4. Any natural remediation like Oil etc I can carry from USA to India.

Will be obliged with any response. It's 4:20 AM in Atlanta but I have totally lost my piece of mind after hearing my father’s news. Don’t know how I will get back to normal life.


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