Seeking Natural Remedies for Failing Bone Marrow from Fanconi Anemia

Posted By Bree (Georgia) on 10/02/2017

I need help need info for failing bone marrow - it called Fanconi, can you advise?

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/03/2017

Bree, the only thing I know is that Blackstrap Molasses - a Tbsp or two a day in hot water - reversed anemia for me.
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Replied by Mama To Many (Tn) on 10/03/2017

Dear Bree,

I would encourage you to give your body plenty of nutrients to maximize its function. Keep empty calories (sugar, simple carbs) to a minimum as they fill you up without providing a lot of minerals and vitamins.

I agree with Mmsg that Blackstrap sounds like a good idea. It is helpful for anemia and is full of nutrition.

Bone broth would possibly supply your body with marrow that your body lacks.

Liquid chlorophyll is excellent for the blood. I have taken as much as 1-2 T. a day.

My new favorite immune booster is astragalus root.

~Mama to Many~

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